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MSF condemns relocation of displaced Chechens

What has happened in Znamenskoye leads MSF to believe that this pattern of so-called 'voluntary' return will repeat itself elsewhere in the Caucacus region, where another estimated 180,000 displaced have moved in order to escape the violence in Chechnya, where bombings, shootings, arbitrary arrests and torture are routine. Press Release - 9 Jul 2002

AIDS and promises - an alphabet soup of good intentions

G8, EU, OAU, UNGASS and the WTO have all made elaborate promises for the Global Fund. But the reality is, of the $2.08 billion that has been pledged, only $700-800 million will be available for disbursal in 2002. This figure is less than a tenth of what is estimated to be required each year to tackle AIDS alone Project Update - 9 Jul 2002

Waiting to treat AIDS is a crime

New data reasserts the feasibility of antiretroviral treatment in resource-poor settings. Governments still refuse to commit funds for life-extending medicines. Campaign - 7 Jul 2002

Why is the West ignoring AIDS?

As Africa-style Aids epidemics are set to spread to Eastern Europe and India, the richer nations are only giving a fraction of what's needed. Magin McKenna reports on a battle to save the world. Project Update - 7 Jul 2002

MSF at the XIV International AIDS Conference

MSF is attending the XIV International AIDS Conference from July 8-12 in Barcelona, Spain. On July 7, MSF is presenting a half-day satellite meeting along with Health GAP (Global Access Project) on the theme of transforming AIDS treatment from right to reality. Project Update - 7 Jul 2002

Cost-effectiveness is no measure for medical treatment

Rather than accepting the price of drugs as immutable, WHO should be putting more energy into working with UNAIDS to bring the price of antiretrovirals within
reach, calling for more funding and contesting those worldwide forces that keep billions of people in perpetual poverty.
Project Update - 6 Jul 2002

Costing AIDS by prevention alone is simplistic

AIDS destroys adults as workers, parents, and care givers in the prime of their lives. Treatment saves children from orphanhood; keeps households, social cohesion, and businesses intact; improves returns on social investments, such as education and
development; increases growth and security; and keeps to a minimum exacerbation of poverty.
Project Update - 6 Jul 2002

Advances in Thailand often due to AIDS activism

A debate confined to issues of cost-effectiveness is too narrow, and polarisation of the debate into a prevention versus HAART argument will not help either cause. Project Update - 6 Jul 2002
World AIDS Day

World AIDS experts debate

With the world finally coughing up a bit of cash to address the global AIDS pandemic, an agonizing debate is resurfacing: How much should be spent to treat those already infected and how much should be spent on preventing others from getting infected? Project Update - 3 Jul 2002

Over 280 tonnes of food shipped to Angola to maintain MSF feeding centres

With 44 feeding centres, MSF is caring for over 14,000 people. The new supplies ensure operations for the next three months - but the emergency shall remain for up to a year. Project Update - 1 Jul 2002
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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