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7465 Results
South Africa

Media reaction to MSF use of generic drugs in South Africa

Following the press release by MSF, TAC and Oxfam on the import and use of generic drugs from Brazil to treat AIDS victims in South Africa, coverage of the issue from international press has been substantial. Project Update - 29 Jan 2002

US 'War on Terrorism' now focusing on second humanitarian disaster

MSF is a medical relief organization that has been working in Somalia for almost fifteen years. Given our experience, we urge the international community not to focus only on their direct short-term interests. Project Update - 28 Jan 2002

Saving lives in the name of vanity

Over sixty million Africans are in danger of sleeping sickness. Without treatment, death is a certainty. But a life saving drug is back in production, thanks to a vanity product sold to suppress facial hair. Project Update - 28 Jan 2002
South Africa

Generic drugs in South Africa:Invitation to press briefing

Medécins Sans Frontières, Treatment Action Campaign and Oxfam representatives are to announce details regarding the use of generic antiretroviral drugs in South Africa. Interested press members are invited to attend. Project Update - 28 Jan 2002

MSF condemns Council of Europe's reluctance to censure Russia's conduct of the war in Chechnya

No international institution appears able or willing to protect the fundamental rights of these people. Press Release - 25 Jan 2002
War and conflict

Chechnya - Ingushetia: A Deliberate Strategy of Non-Assistance to People in Crisis

MSF report on Chechnya-Ingushetia. Report - 25 Jan 2002
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF aims to re-start feeding centre after eruption

In the Bukavu area, MSF is monitoring the epidimeological situation of the 10,000 displaced people there where concerns are focused on cholera and meningitis. Project Update - 25 Jan 2002
Democratic Republic of Congo

Seven tons of MSF goods arrive in Goma

MSF has brought in seven tons of material to Goma to assist in the relief action there after the eruption of Mount Nyiragongo on January 17. Project Update - 24 Jan 2002
War and conflict

MSF presentation to Council of Europe regarding Chechnya and Ingushetia

Presented by Jean-Hervé Bradol, president of MSF-France on January 23, 2002. Report - 23 Jan 2002
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

Will the Council of Europe fulfill its responsibilities?

Médecins Sans Frontières' hearing at the Council of Europe. Press Release - 22 Jan 2002
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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