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Republic of Congo

Rehabilitation in Congo-Brazzaville opens way to sleeping-sickness programme

After years of civil war, Congo-Brazzaville is now rehabilitating speedily. Since the beginning of 2000, an MSF team in Congo-Brazzaville has gained access to the northern Upper-Niari province and opened the region to humanitarian assistance. Project Update - 18 Mar 2001

Programmes begin once more in RUF area

For the first time since May 2000, MSF has carried out an
exploratory mission in parts of Sierra Leone controlled by the RUF
Project Update - 18 Mar 2001

MSF's Javari Valley project successfully completed

A local indigenous NGO, who has worked in partnership
with MSF since the onset of the project in 1996, is now responsible
for the management of the Javari health district.
Project Update - 26 Feb 2001
Access to medicines

Yes, drugs for the poor - and patents as well

Every year malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS kill around 6 million people, almost all of them in the developing world. In the Media - 22 Feb 2001
El Salvador

MSF at the El Salvador earthquake - 2001

In a public service initiative, MSF has developed radio broadcasts to help survivors of the recent earthquakes cope with the likely psychological problems they will be experiencing. Project Update - 21 Feb 2001

NGOs act to treat patients and call on big pharmaceutical companies to lower prices as promised.

At a press conference today in Nairobi, the Kenya Coalition of NGOs* denounced the lack of transparency in price negotiations between the big pharmaceutical companies, UNAIDS and the Kenyan government and called for the lowering of prices as promised. Press Release - 21 Feb 2001

MSF expands efforts to 100 villages

MSF is expanding the scope of the scope of its activities where the organisation is active in the Buhj region. Project Update - 20 Feb 2001

Tonnage brought to India represents largest 'fly-in' response by MSF

MSF has already conducted medical and shelter assessments in the villages and have a coordination system with village leaders representing the communities and castes present. With the system, MSF is confident that no people will be left out of the distribution process. Project Update - 19 Feb 2001
El Salvador

Basic needs are primary in damaged communities

MSF is continuing its intervention in the three zones primarily affected by the recent earthquake in El Salvador. Project Update - 15 Feb 2001
El Salvador

Three MSF teams now working at second earthquake region

MSF has conducted its first assessment of the second recent earthquake zone in El Salvador. Project Update - 14 Feb 2001
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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