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MSF stands ready to return to East Timor

All MSF teams in Jakarta, Indonesia and Darwin, Australia are awaiting authorisation to re-enter East Timor to begin operations with the victims of the East Timorese crisis. There was a meeting in Jakarta today of NGOs readying to return to Dili and the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). OCHA will be coordinating relief activities from Darwin. Project Update - 15 Sep 1999
Women's health

Female genital cutting

MSF strongly opposes the practice of any form of female circumcision on the basis of the contravention of human rights which the practice represents, and its adverse health consequences. Project Update - 13 Sep 1999
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

Millions for Kosovo victims while African state is ignored

While Western governments are spending millions on the rebuilding of Kosovo, the starvation and poverty of over 650,000 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) people that have been forced from their homes by a war that has been raging for over three years is largely ignored. Frances Stevenson reports on the needs of the people and their hopes for the future Project Update - 9 Sep 1999
Republic of Congo

Marburg virus outbreak in the Congo

From the Summer edition of DISPATCHES (UK office), this article was prepared by Frances Stevenson, Programme Manager for the UK office of MSF Project Update - 9 Sep 1999

MSF readies itself for further action

The MSF teams that were expelled from East Timor are safe in Darwin, Australia and have made it clear they would like to return to East Timor as soon as possible. The only place for direct action, at the current time, is through West Timor. Project Update - 9 Sep 1999

Surgical team expelled from East Timor

All MSF ex-pat staff recently based in East Timor are now safe in Darwin, Australia. The Dili staff were expelled previously. Press Release - 7 Sep 1999

MSF reiterates its medical mandate and remains in East Timor

Up to 17,000 people have crossed the border in West Timor since recent activities broke out. According to the ICRC, there were 300 people per hour crossing the border on Sunday (September 5). For the most part, the people crossing the border are Indonesian civil servants and their families. They are travelling in cars and buses. Project Update - 6 Sep 1999
Democratic Republic of Congo

Measles epidemic hits district in Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF starts vaccination programme Project Update - 2 Sep 1999

MSF statement on abduction

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) confirms the abduction of two of their colleagues in Liberia yesterday morning August 11, 1999 when nurse Irene Martino and logistician Trond Heldaas were taken hostage by armed people and conducted to an unknown place. Irene Martino is Italian, 34, and had previously worked in South Sudan. Statement - 12 Aug 1999

Problems to be faced clearing mines in Albania

Project Update - 11 Aug 1999
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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