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7626 Results

Reports of famine increasing in a country at war

Potentially, Ethiopia soon will have to deal with two major problems simultaneously. The country has been at war with neighbouring Eritrea since the summer of 1998 - which puts a big strain on its resources. Project Update - 3 Apr 2000

TB control in Turkmenistan

Owing to a lack of awareness about tuberculosis, a lack of global political commitment and poorly managed medical programmes throughout the world, tuberculosis is causing more preventable deaths today than any other infectious disease despite the fact that there is an internationally accepted cure, DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment Short Course). Press Release - 24 Mar 2000

Tuberculosis still afflicts millions

Smallpox has been eradicated, and polio could follow suit shortly. The world can justifiably be proud of such far-reaching public health achievements. Friday is World TB Day. Most people in the industrialized world think of tuberculosis as a disease of the 19th century that disappeared along with smallpox. Not so. This year, 3 million people will die of tuberculosis, and 8 million people will develop the disease, almost all in poor countries. Project Update - 24 Mar 2000

Homa Bay, where TB is the biggest AIDS related killer

Homa Bay lies on the banks of Lake Victoria in Kenya. Fishermen set sail onto the lake from the small harbour, women wash their clothes on the shores, the town is small and pretty and all would seem - to the untrained eye - peaceful and well here. Project Update - 24 Mar 2000
Water and sanitation

A 'World Water Vision' requires action today

The 22nd of March has joined a long list of dates to mark on your activists calendar. Following the World Water Forum in The Hague, the United Nations has launched the first annual 'World Water Day'. Will this be yet another slogan to motivate the public that results in very little action and change. Project Update - 23 Mar 2000
Water and sanitation

World Water Day, March 22, 2000

When MSF takes to the field to provide services for either an emergency or a long-term relief effort, there are very few actions that do not involve some component of water, sanitation and hygiene. MSF actively works at maintaining their professional expertise and experience in these areas. Project Update - 22 Mar 2000

Living under aerial bombardments

MSF states that the Sudan violates international humanitarian law Press Release - 20 Mar 2000
Water and sanitation

Action Today for the people around the Aral Sea

In less than 25 years, central Asia's Aral Sea, once the fourth largest inland body of water in the world, has dried up to 50% of its original surface area. The two rivers that feed the sea have largely been diverted since the 1950s to irrigate Soviet cotton fields. Project Update - 17 Mar 2000

Charity calls for help for people of Aral Sea area

The charity Médecins Sans Frontières is making a plea this weekend for
additional help for the four million people living in the area surrounding
the Aral Sea who have poor access to potable water.
In the Media - 17 Mar 2000

MSF investigates Mongolia famine warning

Two MSF staff members arrived in Ulaan Bataar on March 13, 2000, to conduct an assessment in Mongolia. Project Update - 15 Mar 2000
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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