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COVID-19 Vaccination Response in Puerto Rico

United States of America

War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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MSF closed the last of our COVID-19 projects in the US in mid-October 2020.

MSF provides assistance in the United States during times of national emergency, such as during Hurricane Sandy, or the COVID-19 pandemic.

MSF provided emergency medical and mental healthcare in New York and New Jersey following Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

Our teams responded to the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic in several states across the US. MSF worked with vulnerable groups in New York and on Puerto Rico; in nursing homes in Michigan and Texas; with migrant farmworkers in Florida; and with Native American communities in Arizona and New Mexico.

Central American migration

Northern Mexican city too dangerous to send back people seeking asylum

Press Release 3 Jul 2019
Central American migration

People fleeing put at risk through dangerous government migration policies

Voices from the Field 26 Mar 2019
Desperate journey: Fleeing invisible wars in Central America
Central American migration

"Leaving the country to seek asylum is often the only option for survival"

Interview 29 Oct 2018

MSF challenges Pfizer’s monopoly on lifesaving pneumonia vaccine in South Korea

Press Release 6 Feb 2018
Family in refugee camp near Polykastro
United States of America

Suspension of US refugee resettlement endangers people fleeing war zones

Statement 29 Jan 2017
"Because Tomorrow Needs Her" communications project - Unsafe abortion in Haiti
Women's health

The Mexico City Policy endangers women's lives

Statement 26 Jan 2017