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Top Ten Under-Reported Humanitarian Stories of 1998
Thousands remain homeless on dykes
Earthquake in southwest China
Dr Jane Connor and patient still missing in Honduras
Australian aid worker missing in Honduras
Choluteca River contaminated with pesticides
MSF begins emergency intervention in Nicaragua
Joint statement by MSF, CARE International, Save the Children Fund and Oxfam GB
Thousands hide in forests, medical personnel targeted and supplies burned
Safe sex campaign in Moscow
MSF calls on donors to review their aid policy towards DPRK
Serious deterioration in western Kosovo
MSF expands its operations into Hubei and Anhui provinces
Displaced children are at extreme risk
Senegal blocks aid supplies from reaching war victims in Guinea Bissau
Increase in infectious diseases in flooded parts of China
MSF evacuates teams from eastern Congo
MSF mobile teams alarmed by health situation in central Kosovo
New International Council president for MSF
120 people dying from starvation every day
Commentary on the Memorandum of Understanding
MSF and other aid organisations evicted from Kabul
MSF signals serious threat of diseases in Guangxi province
Fighting hinders humanitarian assistance
How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance
Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.