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MSF outreach activities in Boma, GPAA
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Kasai (Unframed)
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF adapts to changing needs in Greater Kasai region

Project Update 9 Oct 2018
Providing care in Donetsk area
Photo Story

Living with loneliness and trauma

9 Oct 2018
Photo Story
Mental Health: Rohingya Trauma and Resilience - Rohima Story
Photo Story

Rohingya trauma and resilience

8 Oct 2018
Photo Story
Alolish Jouda, health promoter
South Sudan

MSF resumes medical activities in Maban after suspension

Project Update 5 Oct 2018
Test and Treat, pilot programme Yambio
South Sudan

Helping Yambio’s demobilised child soldiers come to terms with their past

Project Update 5 Oct 2018
Khost - Neonatal

“My sister, I will take care of you”

Voices from the Field 3 Oct 2018
Khost Comic Images

Illustrating MSF’s busiest maternity ward

Project Update 3 Oct 2018
“My hope for the future? I don’t have hope”

“When I sleep, it feels like knives moving through my leg”

Voices from the Field 2 Oct 2018
MSF in Al Dhale and Taiz, Yemen. July 2015

MSF suspends activities after attack in Ad Dhale

Statement 2 Oct 2018
“My hope for the future? I don’t have hope”

“Nothing can prepare you for this”

Voices from the Field 2 Oct 2018
Being Rohingya refugee beyond the mega-camp
Rohingya refugee crisis

Crisis update – September 2018

Crisis Update 1 Oct 2018
Being Rohingya refugee beyond the mega-camp

Shanti Khana: Bringing peace to Rohingya refugees

Project Update 28 Sep 2018
Pregnant and HIV+ Mamotsieleli Molofotsane walks many hours to health center, Lesotho
Women's health

"I’ve seen with my own eyes, safe abortion saves women's lives"

Interview 27 Sep 2018
Niger - Magaria Paediatric Unit

One of the world’s biggest paediatric intensive care units is full

Press Release 25 Sep 2018
MSF TB Treatment in Mumbai, India

Global leaders must make bold commitments at first-ever UN tuberculosis summit

Press Release 25 Sep 2018
Aquarius: denouncing and activity
Mediterranean migration

Italian government pressures Panama to stop Aquarius rescues on world's deadliest maritime route

Press Release 23 Sep 2018
Diagnosing, treating and researching HIV-kala azar co-infection
Kala azar

Diagnosing, treating and researching HIV-kala azar co-infection in Ethiopia

Project Update 20 Sep 2018
Snakebite Amputation

Time to strike back at snakebite and end the antivenom access crisis

Report 19 Sep 2018
Consequences of war for civilian population in Bangassou
Central African Republic

“We simply can’t let these people down. But we remain vigilant”: MSF returns to Bangassou

Interview 18 Sep 2018
Trapped in Moria

Moria is in a state of emergency

Open Letter 17 Sep 2018
Trapped in Moria

Self-harm and attempted suicides increasing for child refugees in Lesbos

Press Release 17 Sep 2018
TB treatments yield promising results in the Chechen Republic

Open Letter to J&J: Calling for affordable access to critical TB drug bedaquiline 17 Sep 2018
MSF protest against sofosbuvir patent in Munich
Hepatitis C

MSF response to ruling in Gilead sofosbuvir patent hearing at European Patent Office

Access Campaign . 14 Sep 2018
Physiotherapy at SICA hospital, Bangui
Photo Story

Restoring body and mind through physiotherapy

14 Sep 2018
Photo Story
MSF Logistique - Bordeaux
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How we deliver medical humanitarian assistance

Everywhere we work, the circumstances are unique. Nonetheless, our programmes generally follow a common set of practices designed to make sure our resources and expertise are used to maximum effect.


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