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Revolting attack on pregnant women and babies

Revolting attack on maternity ward kills pregnant women and babies in Afghanistan

Press Release 13 May 2020
Centre de Traitement des Épidémies de Nongo, à Conakry
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

MSF supports the COVID-19 pandemic response in Guinea

Project Update 12 May 2020
MSF intervention in care homes
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

I do not clap at 8pm

MSF CRASH. 10 May 2020
Responding to COVID-19 in Ukraine
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Responding to COVID-19 in conflict-affected eastern Ukraine

Project Update 8 May 2020
Video Observed Therapy (VOT) training for MDR-TB patients in Matsanjeni health centre
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Eswatini: Responding to COVID-19 in a country already fighting a dual HIV/TB epidemic

Interview 8 May 2020
MSF intervenes in Tijuana in response to the critical situation caused by COVID19
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

MSF provides critically-needed COVID-19 medical care in Tijuana

Project Update 7 May 2020
Drawing (4X3) Give Me Hope: Depicting Rohingya Crisis Animation

MSF ready to support the government of Malaysia with safe disembarkation of people in distress at sea

Open Letter 7 May 2020
COVID-19: challenges in Bangladesh and the Rohingya refugee camps
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Five challenges for the Rohingya in Bangladesh amid COVID-19

Project Update 6 May 2020
North Kivu: COVID-19 Health Promotion Training
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

Managing people’s fear and misinformation amid COVID-19 in DRC

Voices from the Field 6 May 2020
MSF Measles Intervention Baboua: Twins Elisabeth and Sophie

Measles is a steady, silent killer among COVID-19

Project Update 5 May 2020
COVID 19 response in Niger

Working with communities during a pandemic

Interview 5 May 2020
MSF New Clinic, Kibera South.
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

“Diseases will not wait” for COVID-19 in Kenya

Voices from the Field 5 May 2020
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