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217 Results For "hepatitis"
MSF emergency response to outbreaks – meningitis vaccination campaign

“We should take every opportunity to vaccinate against deadly diseases”

Interview with Miriam Alía, MSF vaccination and outbreak response advisor, on the outbreaks of meningitis C and measles that have affected Niger in 2018. Interview - 5 Jul 2018


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Innovations to save lives in north-east Nigeria

Crisis update: Borno and Yobe states, June 2018

Nine years of conflict between the Nigerian military and armed groups in northeast Nigeria has taken a heavy toll on the population with serious humanitarian consequences. Crisis Update - 5 Jun 2018
Rohingya camp expansion
Rohingya refugee crisis

Crisis update – May 2018

May 2018 update on activities in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, providing care for Rohingya refugees who have fled Myanmar. Crisis Update - 23 May 2018
Tal Abyad hospital: Noora

Treating patients with chronic conditions in a war context

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has started providing chelation treatment to children with thalassemia in Tal Abyad national hospital, northeast Syria. After seven years of war, patients with this chronic disease have not received the regular treatment or blood transfusions they need. Project Update - 16 May 2018
Construction site of the MSF hospital.

The hospital on the hill providing care to Rohingya refugees

MSF has opened a new hospital in the heart of vast Kutupalong-Balukhali camp, which provides refuge to some 700,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Not hard to find, as it is on one of the many hills that form the landscape of Cox’s Bazar, its name says it all: ‘The hospital on the hill’. It is the third MSF facility opened in the district of Cox’s Bazar since the end of March. Project Update - 16 Apr 2018
Insein clinic, for treatment for HIV, TB, and Hepatitis C in Yangon. By Alessandro Penso, Feb 2018.

“An obvious, urgent focus for MSF”

Dr. Francis Varaine, leader of the MSF working group on Tuberculosis, explains MSF’s priorities over the next 10 years. Voices from the Field - 22 Mar 2018
Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Community
Rohingya refugee crisis

Crisis update - March 2018

More than six months into the beginning of the latest Rohingya exodus, people continue to flee from Myanmar into Bangladesh fearing for their lives and seeking safety. A total of 3,236 refugees are reported to have entered Bangladesh in February alone. Crisis Update - 15 Mar 2018
Rohingya New arrivals
Rohingya refugee crisis

“We don’t have anywhere else to go”

Having fled indescribable violence in Myanmar, Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh must now contend with new dangers: precarious living conditions, the upcoming rainy season and fears for personal safety after dark. Voices from the Field - 15 Mar 2018
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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