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War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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Moria Camp

Greek and EU authorities deliberately neglecting people trapped on islands

People, especially children, are suffering in horrendous conditions in camps for refugees and migrants on the Greek islands. Meanwhile, the Greek government and EU member states are deliberately turning a blind eye to the crisis. Press Release - 5 Sep 2019
Last stop Khamer: stories of exile in Yemen

Last stop, Khamer: displaced people in exile in northwestern Yemen

The conflict Yemen has displaced thousands of people. Some of them have sought safety in Khamer, in the country's northwestern Amran governorate, where MSF teams are providing medical and surgical care. Photo Story - 3 Sep 2019
Treating Gaza’s infections
Antibiotic resistance

Treating resistant infections in Gaza under the blockade

Antibiotic resistance was already an issue for people across the Middle East; resistant infections are now making treatment difficult for those with gunshot wounds sustained during the March of Return protests in Gaza. Project Update - 2 Sep 2019
Daily life in Aden

Chaos and fighting in Aden as over 50 wounded admitted in just a few hours

A sharp increase in fighting in Aden, in southern Yemen, resulted in over 50 people being admitted to MSF's hospital in the city in the space of just a few hours. Press Release - 29 Aug 2019
Ocean Viking First Rescue - August 9
Mediterranean migration

We are humbled by their courage: Treating psychological trauma at sea

When people are pulled to safety by search and rescue teams in the Mediterranean, many carry invisible psychological wounds from the trauma that forced them to flee Libya. Stefanie, who leads MSF's medical team on board the Ocean Viking, shares their story... - 27 Aug 2019
Medical activities in Hodeidah, Al Salakhana  hospital

A population on the frontline, indiscriminate attacks on civilians, and still no sign of change

Three years after Abs hospital bombing, MSF’s head of mission in Sana’a calls on combatants to finally respect international humanitarian law and protect civilians. Voices from the Field - 27 Aug 2019
Pneumonia vaccination - Greek islands
Access to medicines

Gavi should stop awarding special funds to Pfizer and GSK for pneumonia vaccine

MSF urges Gavi to reserve its special funds for pneumonia vaccine for a new manufacturer offering a more affordable version, not Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline. Press Release - 26 Aug 2019
Role of interpreters in the West Bank mental health project

Mental healthcare in translation

MSF is providing psychotherapy services in Nablus and Qalqiliya. While three of our psychologists in the project are local Palestinians, two are foreigners who do not speak Arabic. This means interpreters play a vital role in our work there. Project Update - 25 Aug 2019
Message from Ocean Viking
Mediterranean migration

Ocean Viking rescue survivors finally offered place of safety

After 14 days at sea with 356 vulnerable men, women and children aboard, MSF is relieved Ocean Viking has been offered a place of safety to disembark in Malta Press Release - 23 Aug 2019
MSF medical activities on board
Mediterranean migration

“He just kept running, despite the wound and the bleeding”

MSF doctor tells the story of a 20-year-old Libyan man who had shrapnel removed from his torso on the search and rescue ship Ocean Viking in the Mediterranean Voices from the Field - 22 Aug 2019
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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