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Treatment of mental disorders in non-specialized health settings
Mental health

Treating mental health outside of specialised settings

In an effort to address challenges of providing adequate mental health support to people, MSF has implemented the Mental Health Gap programme in two clinics in northern Lebanon. Project Update - 17 Oct 2019
Migrants and refugees in Zintan and Gharyan detention centres in Libya

Closure of detention centre exposes migrants and refugees to even worse conditions

Following the closure of a detention centre in Misrata, refugees and migrants moved to other facilities in Libya are exposed to increasingly inhumane conditions.

Press Release - 17 Oct 2019
Hospital Mobile Clinic Matchika Bambari CAR
Medical resource

International medical guides: practical tools for the field

MSF has launched new editions of "Clinical guidelines" and "Essential drugs", available in several languages for use in MSF projects and beyond. MSF medical resource - 17 Oct 2019
Overcoming MDR-TB in Conflict: Lashio Clinic

Displaced couple cured of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Shan state

Treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis patients is rare in Myanmar's conflict-affected communities. This story illustrates hardships patients face. Project Update - 17 Oct 2019
Benue: Mbawa Camp Context

Working with displaced people in Benue state, Nigeria

Interview with Simona Onidi, MSF project coordinator in Benue state, Nigeria, where our teams support some of the thousands of people displaced by violence. Voices from the Field - 16 Oct 2019
Zamfara: IDP Context

On the run from violence in Zamfara state

Violence in Nigeria's Zamfara and Benue states has forced thousands of people from their homes. Their medical and humanitarian needs are great. Project Update - 15 Oct 2019
Emergency North East Syria: Civilians Fleeing Offensive Ras al-Ain

Northeast Syria: MSF forced to evacuate staff due to extreme volatility in the region

Volatility in northeast Syria has forced Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to suspend most of our activities there and evacuate all international staff. Press Release - 14 Oct 2019
Emergency North East Syria: Civilians Fleeing Offensive Ras al-Ain

Northeast Syria: Turkish military operation results in displacement and hospital closure

Shelling by Turkish military has displaced many people from villages and towns along Syria's northeast border. A hospital has closed. Press Release - 11 Oct 2019
DMITRY Story: “I have nowhere to go.”

TB patients improve treatment adherence with psychological and social support

TB patients in Belarus have been shown to adhere - or stick to - their treatment better when they receive specialised psychological and social support. Project Update - 10 Oct 2019
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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