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Fori therapeutic feeding centre, Maiduguri

Is counter-terrorism killing humanitarian action in Nigeria?

In Nigeria, the essence of humanitarian action is threatened if entire communities are considered "the enemy", says MSF's director of operations. Op-Ed - 22 Nov 2019
Bringing health services closer to people in central Somalia

From malnutrition to tuberculosis: responding to needs in North Galkayo

MSF activities have expanded in Somalia's Puntland state, to meet the needs of locals, internally displaced people and patients from as far as Ethiopia. Project Update - 21 Nov 2019
Cholera epidemic in Burundi - CTC Bujumbura

Cholera epidemic: "Thankfully, my family all came back cured"

The rapid response to the large-scale cholera epidemic that hit Burundi in June prevented many deaths. Here's how MSF joined the fight against the disease. Project Update - 19 Nov 2019
Floods in Somalia

Floods leave thousands of people vulnerable and in need

Back from Somalia, MSF humanitarian affairs advisor Mohamed Kalil recounts his experience in a district where flooding has displaced 270,000 people. Project Update - 19 Nov 2019
Nyakun Kuok and her family standing outside her house in Dagahaley camp

Shut out and forgotten, refugees in Dadaab appeal for dignity

Kenya's Dadaab refugee camps have existed for decades and many people have spent their lives there. But long-term encampment has devastating consequences. Project Update - 18 Nov 2019
MSF Aden trauma hospital
Antibiotic resistance

Why bacteria love war-wounds

Bacterial infections can be deadly, and antibiotics remain the best tool to treat them. But they are losing their effectiveness due to antibiotic resistance. We see this throughout our projects in the Middle East, where war-wounds are particularly susceptible. Project Update - 18 Nov 2019
Thousands of migrants trapped ahead of Bosnian winter.

Beaten, cold, sick and stranded: migrants and asylum seekers in Bosnia

As temperatures drop, thousands of migrants and asylum seekers in Bosnia are living in tents with no access to the most basic services. Project Update - 15 Nov 2019

Empowering children living with type 1 diabetes

In Lebanon, MSF diabetes programmes focus on the use of technologies to improve young patients' adherence to treatment and their quality of life. Project Update - 13 Nov 2019
Dengue outbreak in Honduras

More than 5,000 patients treated during MSF response to dengue fever emergency

From February to October 2019, MSF treated more than 5,000 people during the dengue fever emergency in Honduras. Several factors made the epidemic unusual. Interview - 8 Nov 2019
Khanaqin, Diyala Governorat, Iraq

For displaced people in Iraq, going home seems impossible

Some 827 displaced families have lived in Alwand Camps 1 and 2 in Diyala governorate for years. They rely on ever-decreasing humanitarian aid to survive. Project Update - 7 Nov 2019
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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