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7467 Results
MSF stunt at Gavi replenishment meeting Berlin
Access to medicines

Pharma giants shouldn’t receive multi-million dollar pneumonia vaccine subsidy

After raking in billions of dollars on their pneumonia vaccines, pharma giants GSK and Pfizer are still being paid a subsidy by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. MSF says it must now stop. Press Release - 3 Dec 2019
Mental healthcare in Cox’s Bazar.

Rohingya refugee crisis: Unseen wounds need to heal

Traumatic memories, anxiety, poor living conditions and no access to basic services have severely affected Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. Project Update - 3 Dec 2019
Mora - Far North Region of Cameroon

Conflict in Far North region strips people of hope

Protracted conflict in the Lake Chad region continues to affect people in the Far North region of Cameroon. They face violence and extreme poverty. Project Update - 3 Dec 2019
Malawi - Advanced HIV

New model of care aims to reduce deaths among advanced HIV patients

In the Nsanje district of Malawi, the percentage of HIV positive people is higher than elsewhere in the country. A new care model aims to reduce deaths. Project Update - 1 Dec 2019
Malawi - Advanced HIV

AIDS death toll stagnating due to lack of testing at community level

Hundreds of thousands of people still die from AIDS because countries are ill-equipped to detect and treat them, new MSF report "No time to lose" reveals. Press Release - 1 Dec 2019
Condition of migrants in Paris

Real solutions for migrants needed following evacuation of Paris camps

Following he evacuation of a makeshift camp in Porte d’Aubervilliers, Paris, France, many migrants have been left on the streets with nothing.
Press Release - 29 Nov 2019
Lesbos and Samos Oct2019

European leaders: Stop punishing asylum seekers on the Greek islands

MSF International President Dr Christos Christou saw the horrific conditions asylum seekers are living in on camps on the Greek islands and has a message for European leaders - the suffering must stop now. Open Letter - 27 Nov 2019
Malawi - Advanced HIV

MSF report "No time to lose" examines the fight against AIDS in 15 countries

In a new report, "No time to lose", MSF reveals how the AIDS deaths toll is stagnating due to a lack of basic testing at a community level. Report - 27 Nov 2019
Ocean Viking - Rotation 4, Rescue 3
Mediterranean migration

Survivors disembark in Italy amidst deadly week in the Mediterranean

As search and rescue survivors disembark in Italy, MSF and SOS MEDITERRANEE urge EU governments to stop hindering lifesaving search and rescue operations. Press Release - 25 Nov 2019
Niger - Magaria Paediatric Unit

Fifteen years treating malnutrition and malaria around the clock

In southern Niger, the combination of ‘hunger gap’ and rainy season triggers an annual spike in rates of malnutrition and malaria. Read about our work there. Project Update - 25 Nov 2019
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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