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CAR - Mar 2017
Central African Republic

Crisis update - September 2017

Violence has led to over 600,000 people being internally displaced within CAR; MSF is providing medical assistance in several areas throughout the country. Crisis Update - 3 Oct 2017
Refugees Fleeing into Bangladesh
Rohingya refugee crisis

Rapid influx of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar into Bangladesh

Rohingya arriving in Bangladesh have shared stories with Médecins Sans Frontières about their villages being systematically raided and burnt by Myanmar military and by mob groups targeting Rohingya. Report - 1 Oct 2017
MSF Response in Iligan City

Helping people cope amid conflict in Mindanao

Counselling and water will only get these communities so far, and while Marawi has dropped from international news, the needs of people will last and expand. Voices from the Field - 29 Sep 2017
Bombing of Hama Central/Sham hospital

Healthcare is being annihilated amid intensified bombings in Syria’s north-west

“It is evident that hospitals are not safe from bombings in Idlib at the moment, and this is outrageous.” Press Release - 28 Sep 2017
Saving lives without salaries in Yemen

Government health staff are saving lives without salaries

“People don’t understand that we don’t always have drugs; we need to use our own money to buy the medication. People shout at us ‘Why are you here?!’” Report - 28 Sep 2017
MSF provides psychosocial support to those affected by the earthquake in Mexico.

“Fear is still the predominant emotion in Mexico City”

"We explain to our patients that given what they are experiencing, the reactions they are having right now are totally normal. Our job is mainly to help them start using their coping mechanisms." Voices from the Field - 26 Sep 2017
Minova Cholera
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF treats 17,000 people in one of the largest national cholera outbreaks

"Containing the epidemic is the main priority. The rainy season is coming and that can spread the virus even faster and lead to a critical situation." Project Update - 26 Sep 2017
Roberto Wright, MSF's emergency team Anthropologist in Somali region, Ethiopia

“If people don’t understand what we do, they will never come to our health centres”

“Part of my work is to understand their approaches regarding traditional medicine and to explain MSF care to them so that they can combine both.” Voices from the Field - 25 Sep 2017
Medical Guidelines Visual #2 for Social Media (EN)

MSF Medical Guidelines

The MSF Medical Guidelines are the collaborative work of several experienced medical practitioners and specialists, and were developed for non-specialised medical staff.
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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