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Minova Cholera
Democratic Republic of Congo

South Kivu cholera outbreak threatens to spread out of control

“People need to be provided with drinkable water, and health centres need to be equipped with the materials essential to treat everyone affected as quickly as possible” Press Release - 30 Aug 2017
Home-based care in Burj el-Barajneh refugee camp, Beirut.

Home-based care for refugees in Burj el-Barajneh

“When they visit me I feel better. They visit me two or three times a week. I tell them that I’m out of my medication and they get it for me.” Photo Story - 30 Aug 2017
Landslides in Freetown
Sierra Leone

MSF supports communities hit hard by mudslide and flooding

MSF is focusing on ensuring people have access to clean water and sanitation facilities, crucial for meeting people’s needs, and preventing outbreaks of diseases. Project Update - 24 Aug 2017
Marie Agama, 20, from Nigeria

Stories and testimonies of migrants fleeing violence

On May 27th 2017, a rubber boat with 127 people on board arrived to Zarzis (Tunisia) coming from Libya. The fuel finished after few hours of navigation and for two and a half days they drifted out into the open sea, without eating or drinking. A Tunisian fisherman's boat saw them and alerted the Tunisian Coast Guard who finally rescued them. Photo Story - 22 Aug 2017
Bangassou - multi antigen vaccination campaign.
Access to medicines

Patent Office dashes hopes for affordable pneumonia vaccine

“In our work, we see many children with life-threatening respiratory infections; many deaths could be prevented if more kids were vaccinated with PCV." Press Release - 22 Aug 2017
Fleeing from Kasai
Democratic Republic of Congo

Crisis update – July 2017

DRC: Update on humanitarian crisis in Greater Kasai region Crisis Update - 21 Aug 2017
Hepatitis C - Clinic Cambodia

Treating hepatitis C in Phnom Penh

Since October 2016, MSF has treated around 800 people in Cambodia for hepatitis C using medicines that have recently been introduced called direct-acting antivirals. Photo Story - 21 Aug 2017
Tanganyika, DRC - July 2017
Democratic Republic of Congo

No water, no space – dire living conditions in Kalémie

“They have survived several attacks and have been forced to abandon their previous shelters. Each time, they lose some possessions and many have nothing left.” Press Release - 18 Aug 2017
Violence in Buenaventura

Violence in Buenaventura

Photo Story - 16 Aug 2017
Fleeing from Kasai
Democratic Republic of Congo

In Kasai, “even the birds had stopped singing”

"The wounds of the patients that we treat tell us about the extreme levels of violence that the people of Kasai are facing." Voices from the Field - 16 Aug 2017
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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