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7467 Results

Out of Step 2017

Out of Step 2017 includes the results of a 29-country survey on national TB policies and practices. The report was created to identify gaps in implementation and monitor progress towards ending TB. - 1 Jul 2017
SMC and vaccination in the north of Mali

MSF suspends activities in Kidal region

MSF suspends activities in Kidal, Mali after a third robbery and attempted break-in Statement - 30 Jun 2017
MSF Supported Primary Healthcare Centre, South of Mosul

Crisis update - 29 June 2017

MSF has started to provide life-saving trauma assistance for the war-wounded at a medical structure in the Old City of west Mosul, the final conflict area, where an estimated 60,000 residents remain. Crisis Update - 29 Jun 2017
TB support in Swaziland

"A long and gruelling seven years and now it is over"

“I am very grateful for the medical breakthrough. I think introducing these new medicines will help a lot of people.” Voices from the Field - 29 Jun 2017
Federica Zamatto

Everything you don’t want to know about torture

"In 2017, torture is still used in countries all over the world, but the global medical community is still largely unprepared to spot victims of torture among patients." Voices from the Field - 26 Jun 2017
Asbuli 2016

MSF sees tenfold increase in children with malnutrition in Doolo zone

"What we are seeing is a humanitarian emergency." Project Update - 26 Jun 2017

MSF resumes medical activities

Nearly four years after withdrawing its teams from Somalia, MSF has started treating patients again in the country. Project Update - 23 Jun 2017
Libya: detention centres in Tripoli

Providing assistance to migrants and refugees

Jean-Guy Vataux, head of mission in Libya, explains how MSF is providing assistance to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Voices from the Field - 23 Jun 2017
Snakebite Amputation

MSF welcomes WHO decision to include snakebite on Neglected Tropical Diseases list

Despite the fact that snakebite is estimated to kill over 100,000 people every year there are hardly any resources to prevent and treat it, and access to life-saving anti-venom therapy is very limited. Statement - 23 Jun 2017

International Financial Report 2016

Annual Report - 22 Jun 2017
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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