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War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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7471 Results
22 people lost their lives at sea and 209 rescued
Mediterranean migration

22 people die at sea, 209 more are rescued

Statement - 19 Jul 2016
Project Update

MapSwipe app lets public help deliver medical care to most vulnerable

MSF has unveiled a first-of-its-kind mobile phone app in which people across the globe can help locate communities in remote parts of the world affected by natural disasters, disease outbreaks or conflict. Press Release - 19 Jul 2016
Bending the Curves - Eshowe HIV

MSF calls for quality HIV care in neglected communities

While significant progress has been made in South Africa since the first Durban conference in 2000, deadly and unnecessary HIV treatment gaps persist in other countries Press Release - 18 Jul 2016
 MSF HIV Programe in Bangui, Central African Republic
Central African Republic

Patients stories from Hôpital Communautaire

Project Update - 18 Jul 2016
 MSF HIV Programe in Bangui, Central African Republic
Central African Republic

If you provide care, they will come

Voices from the Field - 18 Jul 2016
Psychological support in Ragusa
Refugees, IDPs and people on the move

Mental health disorders in asylum seekers and migrants overlooked by inadequate reception system

A high number of migrants and asylum seekers are suffering from mental health disorders following experiences in their home countries, the trauma of the journey to Europe and due to the inadequate reception conditions in Italy, warned Médecins sans Frontieres (MSF) in a report published today. Report - 15 Jul 2016
Leer & Thonyor - May 2016
South Sudan

South Sudan: Activity Update, May 2016

Report - 15 Jul 2016
South Sudan

Activity Update, May 2016

Project Update - 15 Jul 2016
Mobile Clinics in Gudele, South Sudan
South Sudan

Our patients are telling us terrible stories

"In escaping from the violence, many people lost family members. Today I met an eight-year-old boy whose mother and father were both shot and who now has no one to take care of him. I saw a girl of 12, her three-year-old sister in her arms, come for a consultation, saying she had lost both parents. " Voices from the Field - 15 Jul 2016
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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