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Crisis update – 23 December 2015

The human cost of the conflict keeps on increasing since the beginning of the conflict. Since March 19, MSF have been active in 8 governorates in which 20,539 war wounded people have been treated in MSF supported hospitals and health facilities. Crisis Update - 23 Dec 2015
winterkits distribution in Aleppo

MSF delivers winter kits to 8,000 displaced families in Aleppo city

MSF teams have managed to deliver urgently needed aid to thousands of people in the city of Aleppo (Syria) which is going through its fifth winter of civil war. Press Release - 23 Dec 2015
Life in Idomeni , Greece

Photo Story: Caught in limbo

Following a decision by Balkan authorities to limit the entrance to their territory to asylum seekers from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, the number of people blocked in the Greek village of Idomeni, on the border to the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), had swelled to over 3000 by the beginning of December. Photo Story - 23 Dec 2015
Niger - 10 years of MSF - Nurse Elise Danzara- testimony

“Today, Nigeriens know that their children can recover from malnutrition”

Elyse Aichatou is a nurse. Having just left midwifery school in 2005, she was recruited by MSF to take care of malnourished children when the country was being hit by an extremely serious nutritional crisis. For 10 years, Elyse has continued her work at MSF’s nutritional centres in southern Niger. Here she talks about her experience and the problem of malnutrition in the Zinder region from 2005 until today. Voices from the Field - 22 Dec 2015
PPCSI in Tama, Niger

Getting children to grow healthily

An innovative strategy consisting of moving the treatment of severe acute malnutrition out of hospitals was expanded massively for the first time, and reached a record number of children.Ten years later, strategies to tackle other deadly diseases in Niger are combining with the fight against malnutrition in a public health approach. Project Update - 22 Dec 2015

“We can’t just stop our lives because of the war”

Interview with Céline Langlois, Medical Coordinator in Yemen. Céline explains how Yemenis cope with their daily struggle in this indiscriminate war. During five months in Yemen, Celine was astonished by people’s ability to get on with their lives amidst airstrikes and a desperate fuel and water crisis. Voices from the Field - 22 Dec 2015
Kenya - Cholera epidemic in Dadaab refugee camps

Cholera outbreak spreads to Dadaab refugee camp

A cholera epidemic that has been spreading in Kenya for over a year has now hit the Dadaab Refugee Camp complex, on the border with Somalia. So far around 541 people have reportedly been affected, the majority of whom are living in Dagahaley Camp. Project Update - 17 Dec 2015
On board of the Dignity 1
Mediterranean migration

Interiew with Madeleine Habib - Captain of Dignity

Madeleine Habib ran away to sea in her early twenties and found a perfect blend of physical work and mental challenges. She worked from boat to boat, following her love of the sea and passion for environmental and social activism. Her journey eventually brought her to MSF where she has worked on both land- and sea-based operations. Project Update - 16 Dec 2015
Malawi floods, FEB 2015

A year in pictures 2015

Top stories and photography from the MSF Picture desk in 2015 Photo Story - 16 Dec 2015
Refugees in DunKirk, France
Mediterranean migration

“There are plenty of families with young children amongst the refugees camped out in the mud of Grande-Synthe Camp”

MSF logistician Nicolas Robichez is in Grande-Synthe, near Dunkirk, where more than 2,000 mostly Kurdish refugees are camped out in conditions he describes as "inhumane". Voices from the Field - 15 Dec 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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