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Idomeni migration route, Greece

Thousands of migrants & refugees blocked at borders

“The situation will become much worse if more people get stranded in the area, because there are no basic facilities here and people are scared of what will happen to them” says Antonis Rigas, MSF project coordinator in Idomeni. "It’s absurd how people who are fleeing war and violence are forced to risk their lives in order to finally reach safety in countries that are able to ensure their protection.” Voices from the Field - 7 Jul 2015
Idomeni migration route, Greece

Testimonies from migrants blocked at borders

MSF is offering medical consultations, psychological support and relief items to migrants and refugees in Evzonoi and Idomeni, close to the Macedonian border. Most of the people seen by MSF’s medical team are fleeing war and violence in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. Voices from the Field - 7 Jul 2015
Mediterranean migration

Testimonies from the Bourbon Argos

Testimonies from the Bourbon Argos, the MSF search-and-rescue ship. Voices from the Field - 7 Jul 2015
Fresghy: “I knew how dangerous the travel is – my friends had told me on Facebook. But I had no choice.”
Mediterranean migration

Testimonies from the MY Phoenix

Testimonies from migrants rescued by the search and rescue ship, MY Phoenix Voices from the Field - 7 Jul 2015
MSF Clinic in Gaza city

Aiding & Abetting? The Limits of Humanitarian Aid in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

As has been the case for the past 15 years, our presence is our protest in the face of an occupation that has taken on a near-permanent character. While there is no shortage of suffering in Gaza and the West Bank, an international acceptance of the unacceptable is now the deadliest form of the occupation for Palestinians – with no end in sight. Voices from the Field - 7 Jul 2015
Yemen - Ahem Market, Harad

MSF treats dozens wounded after attacks on markets and residential areas

“It is unacceptable that airstrikes take place in highly concentrated civilian areas where people are gathering and going about their daily lives, especially at a time such as Ramadan”, said Colette Gadenne, MSF Head of Mission in Yemen. Press Release - 7 Jul 2015
Kunduz, northern Afghanistan, December 2011

MSF condemns violent armed intrusion in hospital in Kunduz

"We are shocked by this incident," says Dr Bart Janssens, MSF’s Director of Operations. "This serious event puts at risk the lives of thousands of people who rely on the centre for urgent care." Press Release - 3 Jul 2015
South Sudan

Distressing humanitarian situation in Upper Nile as civilians come under fire in Malakal shooting attack

Following a shooting incident in Malakal, Upper Nile state on 01 July 2015, directed at the Protection of Civilians (PoC) site Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) received 9 wounded patients, including women and the elderly at its hospital in the PoC. This adds to an already deteriorating humanitarian situation in the state over the last few weeks, which has left the civilian population constantly exposed to episodes of violence, increased numbers of wounded, further displacements, heightening rates of malnutrition and the risk of outbreaks. Statement - 2 Jul 2015
Refugees at Mbera camp in Mauritania’s desert

Malian refugees at risk of increased malnutrition following cancelled food distributions

“The timing of the gap in food distributions is all the more cruel because people are already fasting during daylight hours for the month of Ramadan, and now they have little food to break their fast at sunset,” said Maya Walet Mohamed, leader of the women’s committee in the camp. Press Release - 2 Jul 2015

“I had no idea how bad it would be. The journey to Europe was worse than what I left behind in Somalia.”

"I did not know how hard the journey would be. What I experienced reaching Europe was worse than what I left behind in Somalia." , says a Somali migrant arrived in Pozzallo, Sicily, after having endured a six-month ordeal in the hands of smugglers, travelling through Ethiopia, Sudan and Libya and finally crossing the Mediterranean in a small plastic dinghy. Voices from the Field - 2 Jul 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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