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7609 Results

Moving from MDGs to SDGs: Transforming aspirations for better health into reality works.

"In order to stand a better chance to achieve the SDG targets by 2030, domestic resources for health financing need to substantially increase while policies need to be formulated based on realistic assessments of obstacles that people face in getting access to health care." Opinion - 25 Sep 2015

MSF refused permission to work in Lugansk, leaving vulnerable people deprived of essential healthcare and medicines

“We find the decision unacceptable given the significant medical and humanitarian needs of people affected by the ongoing conflict in Lugansk,” says Dr Bart Janssens, MSF Director of Operations. “MSF has been one of the few international organisations providing vital assistance in Lugansk for more than a year. As in all conflict zones where MSF works, our only aim has been to help vulnerable people, no matter their political beliefs or which side of the frontline they find themselves on.” Statement - 25 Sep 2015
New MSF Hospital in Amman

Upgraded reconstructive surgery hospital for victims of war in Amman

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) officially opened its newly upgraded reconstructive surgery hospital in Amman, Jordan. Project Update - 24 Sep 2015
Phoenix' 8th rescue operation
Mediterranean migration

MSF will no longer provide emergency medical assistance and post-rescue care on the MY Phoenix

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), was informed that MOAS (Migrant Offshore Aid Station) has decided to stop their current search and rescue operation on the Mediterranean Sea. As a result, MSF will no longer provide emergency medical assistance and post-rescue care on board the MY Phoenix, as it has done since 2 May. Press Release - 23 Sep 2015
Mediterranean migration

People not numbers: a message from the Bourbon Argos

Simon Burroughs, MSF emergency coordinator onboard the Bourbon Argos, talking about the migrants' needs of water, food, shelter, medical care and protection. "We have to remember they are human beings, they are people just like you and me. They have needs, there has to be a better way that the way it is working now." Project Update - 23 Sep 2015

MSF helping 3,500 people stuck in Calais 'Jungle'

Approximately 3,500 exiles are living in a former garbage dump on the outskirts of Calais, France. The MSF team on site since 10 September is working with Médecins du Monde. “We are humanitarian aid workers and are used to providing aid to refugees in medical and health emergencies in Sudan, Ethiopia, Jordan and elsewhere, but the situation here has been particularly shocking,” says Pierre-Pascal Vandini, the MSF project coordinator. “People have been left to fend for themselves, law enforcement turns a blind eye to violence, there are not enough water stations or showers and no one is maintaining the scanty health infrastructure. It’s organized abandonment.” Project Update - 23 Sep 2015
MSF Malaria Campaign in Bentiu, South Sudan
South Sudan

Testimonies from malaria patients & staff during mass malaria campaign in Bentiu PoC

“Seeing this suffering motivates me to work very hard,” Paulino says. “I am very proud of the work we are doing.” He’s one of 210 community health workers congregated next to an MSF clinic inside the crowded displaced persons camp, ready to respond to a devastating outbreak of malaria. Voices from the Field - 21 Sep 2015
South Sudan

MSF and UNICEF provide treatment to 16,000 children in mass malaria campaign in Bentiu PoC

“The malaria outbreak in the Bentiu camp is unprecedented in scope and has been claiming the lives of far too many children,” says Vanessa Cramond, MSF Medical Coordinator in Bentiu. “With the escalating morbidity and mortality witnessed in the under-five population, it was evident another response strategy was needed to reach those most at risk of death.” Project Update - 21 Sep 2015
Democratic Republic of Congo

More than 500 people fall victim to drug poisoning in the Ariwara region, Ituri

At the beginning of January 2015, MSF was alerted by the Congolese health authorities of a possible meningitis epidemic, but it turned out that the syndrome was caused by counterfeit drugs available on the local market.“Our medical team quickly realised that this was not meningitis. The lumbar puncture procedures that we carried out were all negative and no deaths were registered,” explains Philippe Latour, Head of Mission for MSF in DRC. Project Update - 18 Sep 2015
Refugee children of Kos
Mediterranean migration

“When the war is over, I want to return to my Syria – it was the best life ever”

Testimony from a Syrian refugee, in Kos. “I made this journey for the future of my children… When the war is over, I want to return to my Syria – it was the best life ever.” Voices from the Field - 18 Sep 2015
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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