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South Sudan

In Aweil hospital, South Sudan, focused on the most at risk

In the world’s newest country, three out of four people have no access to basic health care. Project Update - 4 Aug 2011

MSF condemns armed raid on its office and detention of its staff in Bahrain

MSF condemns an armed raid on its premises in Bahrain and the subsequent detention of one of its staff members. It now appears that, in Bahrain today, acting within the common boundaries of the duty of care principle — in this case, providing first aid and calling an ambulance for a critically ill person — is no longer possible without negative repercussions on MSF’s ability to work in the country. MSF calls on the Bahraini authorities to respect the integrity, security, and privacy of its premises and personnel, and to allow the lawyer and family of its detained staff immediate access to him. Press Release - 3 Aug 2011
South Africa

Nowhere else to go

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is gravely concerned that South African authorities’ strategies to address migration do nothing to resolve the greater humanitarian crisis surrounding vulnerable migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. Report - 27 Jul 2011
South Africa

Survival migrants in South Africa caught between evictions and policy vacuum

'With previous threats of deportation, we know that migrants go underground into hiding, and are further impeded from healthcare. This makes it extremely difficult to maintain adherence to medicines, especially for the treatment of chronic conditions such as HIV and tuberculosis,' said MSF’s medical focal point in Johannesburg, Jacqueline Molopyane. Press Release - 27 Jul 2011

MSF deeply concerned by the current relocation of refugees to Ifo 3 camp in Dadaab, Kenya

Some 200 families per day are being relocated to Ifo 3, a camp with little existing basic services, including water and sanitation. The relocation, which began on July 25 under the auspices of the UNHCR, has been carried out with little transparency or consultation. Statement - 27 Jul 2011
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF's emergency cholera response in DRC

The cholera epidemic, which has so far caused more than 250 deaths, started in March in Kisangani, the capital of Oriental Province and the last stop on the Congo River for the cargo barges that are the main form of transport in this largely roadless area. Although the eastern parts of DRC have frequent cholera outbreaks, it is more than ten years since the western provinces have had an epidemic. Voices from the Field - 25 Jul 2011

No more delays or restrictions for Somalis needing aid and refuge

The international community has a shared responsibility to help Somalis seeking refuge by ensuring efficient registration, adequate food rations and shelter in existing and new camps. The current bureaucratic restrictions and obstacles are causing unnecessary delays and all measures should be taken to respond to the emergency. Project Update - 22 Jul 2011

Hiding Behind Health

In 2010, MSF vaccinated 5.8 million people for measles and meningitis alone. The alleged actions of the CIA in the case of Pakistan cast a shadow over these legitimate and life-saving medical acts. Whenever medical activities are used as a tool of war, it hampers our ability to provide assistance—and patients will no longer dare to seek the healthcare they need. Project Update - 20 Jul 2011

DNDi launches new drug development programme to address treatment needs of children with HIV/AIDS

“There are millions of children with HIV/AIDS in low- and middle-income countries, but their needs are absent from the HIV research and development agenda, and this is largely because they are poor and voiceless and do not represent a lucrative market,” said Dr. Bernard Pécoul, Executive Director of DNDi. Project Update - 18 Jul 2011

'The malnutrition ward is beyond full'

As a Somali myself, I can say that if MSF was not here, we would be like a boat that has run out of fuel in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Without MSF’s help, thousands would have died. Somalia needs your help now more than at any other time. MSF saves countless lives and, with your help, will continue to save many more. Thank you. Voices from the Field - 18 Jul 2011
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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