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Côte d'Ivoire

Fear persists even after violence subsides in Ivory Coast

“In Ivory Coast, terrified people in the bush must make the cruel choice to travel to villages where they don’t feel safe, in search of food or medicine. It’s crucial that emergency aid comes closer to where people have chosen to seek safety." - said Xavier Simon, MSF Country Representative in Ivory Coast. Project Update - 9 Jun 2011

Frontline: HIV treatment is also HIV prevention

New research has proved conclusively that treatment of HIV can reduce the transmission of the disease from one person to another by 96 percent. In other words, HIV treatment is also HIV prevention. The UN Summit on HIV/AIDS starts on June 8 and officials will decide on a blueprint for the next decade of the global response to the epidemic. Will global leaders act now to save millions of lives and prevent millions of new infections? Project Update - 8 Jun 2011
Côte d'Ivoire

Ivory Coast testimonies - Woman, 21, village by Blolequin, western Ivory Coast

Two months ago, we were all in our village when armed men entered. They started to shoot and kill people and burn houses. I fled into the bush with my baby. Voices from the Field - 8 Jun 2011

Liberia testimonies - Man, 40, New Yourpea transit camp

In the bush, there was no medicine, so we had to treat the children with traditional medicine for their gunshot wounds. Only weeks later did we make it Liberia, where MSF took them to the hospital. Project Update - 8 Jun 2011

Siama - My life with HIV in 2011

Video: Siama - My life with HIV in 2011 Voices from the Field - 6 Jun 2011

Benefits of starting HIV treatment earlier

Benefits of starting HIV treatment earlier Project Update - 6 Jun 2011

Charles - My life with HIV in 2011

Charles Sako, Catherine Atieno and Siama Musine live and work in Kibera, a deprived area of Kenya’s capital Nairobi. They are also all HIV positive and receive treatment through MSF’s clinic in Kibera. Six years ago, they were given disposable cameras for a week to document their lives on HIV treatment. From those photos, we created a project called ‘My Life with HIV’. Voices from the Field - 6 Jun 2011

Catherine - My life with HIV in 2011

Charles Sako, Catherine Atieno and Siama Musine live and work in Kibera, a deprived area of Kenya’s capital Nairobi. They are also all HIV positive and receive treatment through MSF’s clinic in Kibera. Six years ago, they were given disposable cameras for a week to document their lives on HIV treatment. From those photos, we created a project called ‘My Life with HIV’. Voices from the Field - 6 Jun 2011

Challenge and Urgency to scale up tuberculosis care

The era of anti-TB chemotherapy only started some 70 years ago, very late in the intertwined history of humanity and TB. The optimism that accompanied the introduction of what were at the time "wonder drugs" was quickly dampened by the realization that resistance to them emerged very fast. Speech - 3 Jun 2011

MSF alarmed by resurgence of cholera

"Since May 29, in one week, MSF has treated almost 2,000 patients in the capital, and we have also been asked to intervene in other areas in the interior of the country, " said MSF head of mission Romain Gitenet. As of the end of May, cholera has killed nearly 5,000 people from among the 300,000 cases reported in the country. Three per cent of the country’s population have contracted the disease. Press Release - 3 Jun 2011
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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