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Indian Prime Minister must resist European pressure to trade away health

Latest round of negotiations on sensitive intellectual property issues resumes tomorrow Press Release - 12 Jan 2011
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF responds to incident of mass sexual violence in DRC

Frontline: MSF responds to incident of mass sexual violence in DRC Project Update - 11 Jan 2011

Six months after the floods, too many people are without anything, not even food or a way to earn a living.

Six months after the floods, too many people are without anything, not even food or a way to earn a living. Project Update - 11 Jan 2011

Videos: Haiti One Year After

MSF today issued a review of its own emergency response following the earthquake and an assessment of the existing gaps in secondary health care services that it will attempt to address in the year ahead. MSF’s response in Haiti since the earthquake and the cholera epidemic constitutes the largest disaster operation in the organization’s history. Project Update - 10 Jan 2011

Despite massive aid response, significant needs remain one year after earthquake

MSF has issued a review of its own emergency response following the earthquake and an assessment of the existing gaps in secondary health care services that it will attempt to address in the year ahead. MSF’s response in Haiti since the earthquake and the cholera epidemic constitutes the largest disaster operation in the organization’s history. Press Release - 10 Jan 2011

Haiti one year after

A critical review of MSF humanitarian aid operations. This report intends to share with the general public, the people of Haiti, and our supporters a detailed breakdown of how the funds donated to MSF for the earthquake emergency relief effort have been used to meet the needs of the Haitian people in the year since the earthquake hit. It attempts to outline the choices made by MSF in deploying its operations, the challenges we faced, the lessons we learned, and our plans and perspectives for the future. Report - 10 Jan 2011
South Sudan

Southern Sudan's forgotten emergencies

It is a cruel irony for the people of Southern Sudan that the whole world is now fully focused on the potential fallout of this weekend’s referendum on secession from the North, while the ongoing emergencies facing the region since the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) six years ago were all but ignored. Opinion - 7 Jan 2011
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF treats victims of mass rape on New Year's Day in DRC

“Women had been restrained with ropes or beaten unconscious with the butt of a gun before being attacked, some in front of their children,” said Annemarie Loof, MSF Head of Mission in South Kivu. “Up to four armed men were involved at a time and homes and shops were looted.” Project Update - 6 Jan 2011

After vaccination campaign, hopes of a substantial reduction in meningitis A epidemics in Niger

In December 2010, MSF supported the roll-out of a new vaccine against meningitis as an alternative to solely emergency response. The first phase has been completed with optimistic results. Project Update - 6 Jan 2011

Pfizer promoted misleading and false accusations of MSF's involvement in unethical drug trials the company conducted in Nigeria in 1996

MSF was not working in the same part of the hospital in Kano State as Pfizer clinical researchers, and MSF staff had no connection to Pfizer. When MSF staff became aware of what Pfizer was doing, they were appalled at the practices of the company’s team. MSF personnel on the ground communicated their concerns to both Pfizer and the local authorities. Statement - 5 Jan 2011
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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