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MSF teams treating cholera patients in Saint-Marc, Artibonite region, Haiti

Assessment teams sent to Mirebalais and Petit Riviere. Project Update - 24 Oct 2010

MSF begins treatment in cholera-affected region of Haiti

Following the outbreak of acute diarrhea in the Artibonite region of Haiti, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) medical teams - including doctors, nurses and logisticians - immediately traveled to the affected areas along the Artibonite River, between the cities of Saint-Marc and Mirebalais. Project Update - 21 Oct 2010

As emergency phase ends, Pakistan flood victims show symptoms of excessive stress

Flood waters have largely receded and people have begun to return to what remains of their homes. Project Update - 21 Oct 2010

Letter from the field: One day in my life - A midwife in Balochistan, Pakistan

Olivia Lowe is a midwife working in Kuchlak, near Quetta in Pakistan's volatile Balochistan province. She manages the antenatal and postnatal care as well as the birthing unit at MSF's mother and child healthcare centre in Kuchlak. This is her first MSF mission. Voices from the Field - 20 Oct 2010

Open letter to the U.S. government about the quality of food aid

"On the eve of World Food Day 2010, I write on behalf of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to urge the U.S. to stop supplying nutritionally substandard food to malnourished children in developing countries". - Sophie Delaunay, Executive Director?U.S Section of MSF Press Release - 15 Oct 2010

Reforming quality of global food aid critical to fight childhood malnutrition

Top donor countries must end double standard of supplying nutritionally substandard foods to young children in malnutrition 'hotspots' Press Release - 13 Oct 2010

Slum conditions in Bangladesh pose health hazards, and malnutrition is a sign of other illnesses

"The level of health awareness in this community is very low, and people have a great deal of superstitious beliefs, such as believing that children may be touched by bad spirits through consuming breast milk or eating fish," Sophie de Montpelier, MSF's field coordinator. "Some mothers believe that a baby with diarrhoea should not be given extra water because the body already contains too much liquid. That's why MSF is investing a lot in health promotion activities here." Project Update - 13 Oct 2010

Prefab container hospital could bring a decade of healthcare to Léogâne, Haiti

The hospital was built by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Léogâne within five months and was inaugurated on October 8. Haitian officials attended the ceremony. Project Update - 13 Oct 2010

Mental healthcare a core part of MSF's emergency aid

Many migrants and refugees suffer from psychological trauma as a result of their experiences, the dangerous journey to Malta and general uncertainty for the future. During one group activity organised by MSF, migrants were asked to illustrate their past experiences. "The idea was to encourage them to tell their stories: how they reached Europe, why they escaped from their country, the situation they are in now. They were relieved to be able to get these stories out", said Elisa Finocchiaro, MSF worker who helped organise the activity.
The following is a series of snapshots from MSF mental health programs in Kashmir, Democratic Republic of Congo and Iraq. These snapshots sketch some of the complex and painful issues confronted by those who seek counselling, as well as some of the challenges encountered by MSF in providing these services.
Project Update - 11 Oct 2010

MSF tackles outbreak of dengue fever in Honduras with a new strategy

Due to an alarming increase in dengue fever cases in Honduras this year, MSF has launched an emergency intervention in Tegucigalpa, capital of the Central American country, Honduras, where the majority of cases have been reported. MSF is supporting local health services with a three-pronged approach focusing on medical care, vector control and community education. Such dengue intervention is relatively new for MSF. Project Update - 9 Oct 2010
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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