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7471 Results

Expanding assessments and assistance by MSF teams throughout Pakistan's flood zones

In addition to the expansion of its medical activities, MSF's priority is to provide clean water and improve hygienic conditions in order to prevent the spread of acute respiratory infections, diarrhoeal diseases, and skin infections. MSF teams are getting ready in case of a waterborne disease outbreak, such as cholera, however the situation is under control at this point. Project Update - 5 Aug 2010

Somalia's civilians continue to bear brunt of Mogadishu warfare

Medical data gathered at the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in the Dayniile neighborhood, on the outskirts of Mogadishu, reveal an alarming pattern over the first seven months of the year. Project Update - 4 Aug 2010

MSF expands assistance to Pakistan flood victims

During the weekend, MSF completed several surveys to get a better picture of people's needs following the worst floods in Pakistan in 80 years. MSF is now expanding activities to include water and sanitation provision, and is also distributing kits containing hygiene products, cooking utensils and other items to fulfil immediate needs. Project Update - 3 Aug 2010
South Sudan

MSF calls for respect of medical activities and facilities as forced to suspend medical aid in a health centre in Jonglei state Sudan

All other MSF medical facilities in Sudan remain open.
"Though we are fully committed to providing emergency medical aid to Gumuruk community, we have been left with no other choice than to suspend all medical activities in this outreach clinic," said Rob Mulder, MSF Head of Mission in Southern Sudan.
Press Release - 1 Aug 2010

Severe floods in Pakistan affect over 400,000

"There is widespread destruction on the ground, and we still need to get a clearer picture of where MSF is needed the most" said Benoit De Gryse, MSF's Head of Mission in Pakistan. "What complicates matters is that destruction is patchy, and there are pockets of people that are very hard to reach due to the flooding." Project Update - 30 Jul 2010

Tension and violence continue in south Kyrgyzstan MSF calls for impartial access to health care

Amid a climate of fear and deep mistrust between Uzbek and Kyrgyz communities, access to health care is still a major concern due to the presence of armed personnel in and around some health structures in Osh. The fear of not receiving adequate and impartial medical services deters many persons requiring urgent medical attention from seeking adequate care. Press Release - 20 Jul 2010

Donors gambling with patients lives by retreating from AIDS funding

Short-sighted savings measures ignore latest science, will cost more lives Press Release - 19 Jul 2010

MSF teams in Haiti distribute tents after storm destroys shelters in camp

MSF is following the situation closely and will do its best to support the population with emergency medical care in response to hurricanes or further deteriorating conditions due to the rainy season, but the organization has little capacity to respond to shelter needs. Project Update - 15 Jul 2010

Bomb blast in Swat district Pakistan leaves five dead and 58 wounded

Following an explosion at midday in Mingora, the main city of Swat district in Khyber Pathkunkhwa province, doctors and medical staff from the medical organization Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and Pakistan's Ministry of Health treated 58 injured people, some of whom were seriously wounded. Project Update - 15 Jul 2010

Working to prevent the spread of a cholera epidemic in Haiti

As of now, MSF has treated more than 6,400 patients suffering from acute diarrhea, including a large proportion suffering from severe dehydration, symptoms typical of cholera. Project Update - 11 Jul 2010
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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