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AIDS care gap between Europe and southern countries risks becoming a chasm

Survival at risk for ten million waiting for AIDS treatment. Press Release - 9 Mar 2010

Ongoing support to hospitals, plus mobile clinics and more supplies after earthquake in Chile

Ongoing tremors in the days following the earthquake have generated widespread panic in the population and made it necessary to pay especially close attention to the psychological impact the disaster had on people in the affected areas. Project Update - 9 Mar 2010

Overcoming war, violence, intimidation and fear in Helmand province, Afghanistan, to bring desperately needed medical care

MSF's goal is not to take on the responsibility for the 120 bed hospital. Instead, the objective is to ensure that staff is always present, and that high quality medical care and appropriate medicines are available free of charge. Project Update - 9 Mar 2010

Haitians facing intolerable breach of human dignity

Colette Gadenne, who has been managing MSF activities in Haiti over the last few weeks, and Christopher Stokes, General Director of MSF in Brussels, have recently returned from Haiti. Almost two months after the terrible earthquake, they give their views on the situation and highlight "broadly insufficient" aid on the ground. Joint interview. Project Update - 7 Mar 2010

Initial aid to hospitals and assessments in areas most affected by earthquake in Chile

Due to initial efficient response by Chilean authorities, MSF is concentrating its efforts in the areas that are most difficult to access. Project Update - 3 Mar 2010

First MSF team in Chile assessing earthquake damage - more staff en route

Members of the team arriving from Argentina are already in Santiago and will be traveling to the Maule region to assess needs in the coastal towns of that area. Project Update - 1 Mar 2010

MSF sends teams to Chile to evaluate the situation after earthquake

MSF staff from Argentina and other parts of Latin America should start arriving this evening in Santiago de Chile to assess the needs of the population. Project Update - 27 Feb 2010

Haiti staff interviews: MSF helps me treat my fellow Haitians

Like thousands of Haitians, Geraldine Augustin started helping people just after the disaster. She is a young, passionate and energetic medical student who has just joined MSF. She belongs to the almost 1,500 Haitian staff employed by MSF in the country and who make our medical activities possible. She works in an MSF post-operative structure set in what used to be a girls school. She tells us about her life and work after the earthquake Voices from the Field - 22 Feb 2010

At night I sleep under a tent, during the day I work under one

Despite the emotional shock and the fact that I live on the street, I have the ability and the skills to provide support to patients who, like all of us, are traumatized. Voices from the Field - 21 Feb 2010
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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