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7467 Results

Treating malnutrition: The RUF revolution

Results achieved with RUF for moderately malnourished children are far superior to many emergency Supplementary Feeding Programmes (SFPs) implemented with blended flours. Project Update - 10 Oct 2007

Increasing and ensuring the supply of therapeutic RUF

In 2006, MSF treated more than 150,000 acutely malnourished children in 99 programme sites, in 22 countries.
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Project Update - 10 Oct 2007

Fighting forces MSF team to evacuate from Muhajariya

Since MSF runs the only hospital in the town, the evacuation of the MSF team means that people are urgently in need of medical care. MSF hopes to be able to return to the area as soon as possible to provide medical assistance. Project Update - 9 Oct 2007
Democratic Republic of Congo

Nearing control of the outbreak, but vigilance still required

In around 20 villages located within a 30 kilometer radius around Kampungu, MSF visits health structures every day. Press Release - 1 Oct 2007
Democratic Republic of Congo

Violence in North Kivu: Assistance severely hampered

When fighting occurred end of August, most people fled. MSF is very concerned about the situation of these populations left without assistance. Press Release - 28 Sep 2007

Sumatra: MSF extends post-earthquake assistance to Mentawai islands

"The situation here is dire. Because of the difficult access to the area, people have not received much assistance so far. They are sleeping in the open; many have lost their houses or are too afraid to sleep inside." said MSF Field Coordinator, Renzo Fricke. Project Update - 25 Sep 2007

Surgical assistance for victims of war

The Iraqi health system is no longer able to give proper care for these victims of violence. Thousands of doctors have fled the country and those who stay are often faced with harassment, arrest or the threat of kidnapping and assassination. Voices from the Field - 25 Sep 2007

Let the world know what is happening

Project Update - 25 Sep 2007

Relief effort after Sumatra earthquake must be boosted

"Many people are still traumatised. Through these interactive activities, we try to help them cope with stress and overcome their fears so they can start rebuilding their lives," said Bernal. Project Update - 20 Sep 2007
Democratic Republic of Congo

Diary from the DRC ebola outbreak

Zoe Young, a water and sanitation specialist with MSF, shares her diary from the Democratic Republic of Congo where she is dealing with an outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus. Voices from the Field - 19 Sep 2007
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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