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7467 Results

MSF prepares a new intervention

MSF has been in Bangladesh since 1985 (1992). At present it is working particularly in the Teknaf region to support Rohingya refugees from Myanmar. Project Update - 17 Aug 2007

MSF sends a plane with relief material to Peru

In the evening of Wednesday 15th of August, the Peruvian coast was hit by a powerful earthquake (8.0-magnitude quake). Project Update - 17 Aug 2007
Sierra Leone

MSF reduces its presence in Sierra Leone

Over the past few years, MSF has provided medical care in several locations across the country, particularly focusing on pregnant women and children under five. Project Update - 16 Aug 2007

Somalia: Reaching Out

An exceptional year: With the rise and fall of the Union of Islamic Courts, the establishment of a weak Transitional Federal Government and Ethiopian troops crossing the border to fight in Somalia, the turbulent past year briefly placed Somalia on the international agenda. Report - 13 Aug 2007
Project Update

MSF activities in the South Asia floods

Considering this strong local response, the MSF teams in Bangladesh, India and Nepal are now in an assessment stage. In India and Bangladesh, there is no need for MSF to assist with the medical response for now. In Nepal, a team is now assessing the situation. Project Update - 13 Aug 2007

Long and arduous treatment for multi-drug resistant tuberculosis in Armenia

Tuberculosis treatment casts a shadow of uncertainty: "We have a few patients with XDR-TB and we have no drugs to cure them. After such long and terrible treatment, we have to tell them that their treatment has failed and that they are going to die. It is a real frustration." Project Update - 11 Aug 2007

The disease of the 'untouchables'

Even if it does not only affect the 'untouchables', they are the ones hit in the hardest way. Project Update - 10 Aug 2007

MSF opens first HIV/AIDS clinic in breakaway region of Transnistria

HIV prevalence in Transnistria is four times higher than in Moldova, according to official statistics. Press Release - 9 Aug 2007

After Indian court ruling, MSF hands over petition with 420,000 signatures to Novartis

MSF asks company not to pursue case Press Release - 8 Aug 2007

Indian court ruling in Novartis case protects India as the 'Pharmacy of the Developing World'

A ruling in favour of the company would have drastically restricted the production of affordable medicines in India that are crucial for the treatment of diseases throughout the developing world. Project Update - 6 Aug 2007
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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