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7467 Results

Patients without providers: emergency response needed

Despite a global effort to expand access to HIV/AIDS care and treatment over 8,000 people with HIV/AIDS are still dying every day. Project Update - 24 May 2007

Coping with health worker shortages: lessons and limits

"In Lesotho there are only 89 of us doctors in the entire country. The whole process of decentralisation of HIV care - taking it down to the people in the clinics - depends on nurses. Many lives have been saved because ARV treatment is in the clinics and nurses are taking over most of the responsibilities."
- Dr Pheello Lethola, Field Doctor, MSF Lesotho
Project Update - 24 May 2007
South Africa

Retaining health workers: the basics

"I make 3,000,000 Méticais ($US 115) a month. With this, I can buy one bag of rice, one bottle of oil, and pay the energy at home. I'm borrowing money from my neighbours because I cannot afford to send my children to school."
- Maria, 44, Paediatric Nurse, Tete Health Center No.2, Mozambique
Project Update - 24 May 2007

TB treatment casts shadow of uncertainty

Project Update - 23 May 2007
Democratic Republic of Congo

A delayed arrival in Katanga

In Dubie, they start to prepare for a caesarean section, but during the car ride to the hospital, Chantal regained consciousness. Voices from the Field - 23 May 2007

Is the struggle against acute malnutrition in Niger gaining ground?

We hope that in 2007 we will achieve results that are comparable to those in 2006 (when there were few cases of severe malnutrition), while at the same time developing a program that is easier to manage. Project Update - 21 May 2007

Help wanted: confronting the healthcare worker crisis to expand access to HIV/AIDS treatment

This report focuses on the impact of human resource shortages witnessed by MSF teams in four southern African countries - Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, and South Africa. While the focus is largely on nurses in rural areas, it should be acknowledged that health staff is lacking across the spectrum - from doctors to laboratory technicians to pharmacists - at all levels of care. Report - 18 May 2007

MSF reacts to charges issued against Palestinian staff member

Mr. Mossaab Bashir, a member of the staff of Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in the Gaza Strip, was charged by an Israeli court with "contact with a foreign agent" and "conspiracy to commit a crime". Project Update - 17 May 2007

The Women Testify

10 woman tell their Angolan ordeal. Report - 12 May 2007

Providing emergency medical care to victims of violence in the Niger Delta

As in other countries, massive wealth derived from abundant natural resources â€" oil, in Nigeria's case â€" contrasts with widespread poverty and inadequate medical services. Project Update - 11 May 2007
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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