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7620 Results
Democratic Republic of Congo

'Despite the glimmer of hope kindled by the Goma peace conference, I saw how desperate the population is'

In Masisi, in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), MSF supports a hospital and provides humanitarian aid to local and displaced populations. Between August and December 2007, Philippe Havet coordinated MSF emergency activities in this area, in the heart of the conflict zone where several armed groups clashed.
On Philippe's return from Masisi, he reported on the situation in the region which has been the theatre of new fighting for several months. He also explained the challenge for MSF of working in a situation as unstable as this one.
Project Update - 23 Jan 2008
Sri Lanka

Medical and surgical activities assisting populations isolated in the Sri Lankan conflict

The peninsula's inhabitants are, at all times, in danger of abduction, summary executions, disappearances and armed attacks. Project Update - 22 Jan 2008

More flooding in Mozambique adds to number of displaced

Some areas, like Chinde, have been so badly affected MSF is using a helicopter to assess the impact of the floods on local populations. Project Update - 22 Jan 2008

Bundibugyo, Uganda, now ebola free

The total number of cases was 149 with 37 deaths which gives a mortality rate of 25 percent. Of the ebola cases, 12 Uganda medical staff were amongst the patients and five of them died in the epidemic. Project Update - 16 Jan 2008

Letters from the Uganda ebola outbreak

Project Update - 16 Jan 2008

Kenya's post-election violence and the 'hapa-hapa' syndrome

MSF Logistical Coordinator, Naoufel Dridi, provides people with tickets in the Langas internally displaced camp so they can collect a non-food item kit.
MSF has been working in Eldoret since January 2. At present, an international team of eight staff visits camps and settlements, providing assistance to the displaced.
Project Update - 15 Jan 2008

End of ebola epidemic in Bundibugyo is near

Meanwhile, MSF staff is carrying on with their activities: counselling to the victims' families; training of medical staff; and epidemiological research in order to verify that the virus' transmission chains have indeed been broken. Project Update - 14 Jan 2008

MSF's work with injecting drug users in Thailand

Injecting drug users in Thailand are among the highest risk groups for HIV transmission. According to the WHO, prevalence in this group has stayed consistently high over the last 15 years, ranging between 30 percent to 50 percent (WHO 2007) Project Update - 12 Jan 2008

MSF assists people displaced by violence in Kenya

The situation is changing rapidly and needs to be closely monitored to ensure that MSF can respond to the ongoing medical needs. Project Update - 10 Jan 2008

MSF activities still remain high in southern Sudan

Doctor Ortillia is cleaning burn wounds in the MSF health centre in Pieri, southern Sudan. In the southern Sudan state of Upper Nile, MSF maintains a number of projects focusing on primary healthcare. Project Update - 8 Jan 2008
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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