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Niger food crisis: ineffective response by humanitarian aid system, unable to respond to the emergency

Institutional donors and the government refuse to change strategies yet acknowledge that the measures taken are not effective. The food crisis has been officially acknowledged, yet effectively denied. Project Update - 6 Jul 2005

Rape and sexual violence ongoing in Darfur, Sudan

"Despite its devastating consequences, rape in Darfur and in other conflicts has not received the attention that the scale of the crime or the gravity of its impact call for," said Kenny Gluck, Director of Operations for MSF in Amsterdam. "This has to change." Press Release - 3 Jul 2005
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF compound robbed at gunpoint in Walikale, North Kivu province, DRC

The compound of the MSF team in Walikale, in the eastern province of North Kivu of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was robbed during the night of June 28-29. Project Update - 30 Jun 2005

MSF's response to the Niger food crisis: One of the largest feeding programs

Niger represents one of the largest malnutrition-treatment programs in MSF's history, with a capacity for treating 20,000 severely malnourished children per year, five therapeutic feeding centers, 27 ambulatory centers, a budget of around €10 million, nearly 50 international staff members and a planned 6,000 tons of food aid. Project Update - 30 Jun 2005

Niger food crisis: Pay or die

Thousands of lives are in danger, but where is the aid?
MSF expects to care for more than 20,000 severely malnourished children this year. This is twice the figure of 2004. It is also one of our biggest nutritional operations for 30 years. MSF alone cannot deal with this emergency. Only a faster and more significant reaction from the donors, the government of Niger and other NGOs can limit the effects of this catastrophe. There are only a few weeks left to save thousands of lives in Niger.
Project Update - 28 Jun 2005

Niger food crisis: Early diagnosis, slow and misguided aid

The first warning about Niger's nutritional situation was sounded in October 2004. However, by late June, the international aid system was still unable to deliver appropriate assistance to those at greatest risk. In simple terms, this means a death sentence for the children of Niger's poorest families. Project Update - 28 Jun 2005

Prices of AIDS medicines in developing countries continue to be a concern

According to an MSF report, the current pricing system based on companies giving voluntary discounts to developing countries is not sufficient to guarantee affordability of medicines, now or in the future. The problems with this mechanism, known as differential pricing, fall into three broad categories. First, some single-source drugs are simply very expensive. Press Release - 28 Jun 2005

Kala azar outbreak in Ethiopia as rainy season begins

A severe outbreak of kala azar, a rare and fatal disease, has struck the region of Amhara, northwest Ethiopia. In the small rural community of Bura (pop: 6,000) more than 150 people have died and over 230 infected persons have already been recorded. Project Update - 27 Jun 2005
Natural hazards

Post-tsunami: six months financial overview

In an extraordinary outpouring of support, MSF sections worldwide received €105 million in donations to provide emergency relief to people affected by the tsunami. By the end of April 2005, MSF had spent 17.9 million Euros on tsunami-related operations in South Asia. In total the organisation will most likely spend 24.5 million Euro for activities in the regions affected by the tsunami in 2004 and 2005. Project Update - 24 Jun 2005

Broken forests and ghost-white remnants in Lamno

Since MSF first arrived in Lamno in January 2005, they have conducted 3,011 medical consultations, built community latrines and cleaned wells in every camp, distributed relocation kits containing the basic tools for building homes and held individual counselling sessions with an average of 26 new patients a month. They have done this amongst a cacophony of aid agencies, working hard to attend co ordination meetings and ensure all activities are filling a medical need no one else has met. Project Update - 24 Jun 2005
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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