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7621 Results
United States of America

Special message on hurricane Katrina

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is in touch with local and national authorities, healthcare workers, and other aid organizations in the Hurricane Katrina-affected region of the United States to closely monitor and assess whether MSF can contribute to the emergency relief effort. Project Update - 5 Sep 2005

The Lancet: 'Catastrophic' violence continues unchecked in Somalia

This article first appeared in the Sept 3, 2005 edition of The Lancet. Project Update - 3 Sep 2005

Team returns to projects after bomb blasts

MSF team have restarted its operations in Bangladesh. Project Update - 30 Aug 2005

Pakistan - future of Shashu project uncertain

MSF is looking into options to continue providing medical care to children, be it in Shashu hospital or another hospitals in the vicinity, as MSF wants to continue to assist the Pakistanis living in this area. Project Update - 29 Aug 2005

Major cholera outbreak in Nouakchott

When MSF arrived, there were 10 patients in a hastily constructed cholera camp in Riyad, just south from the capital. But, with the main water supply thought to be infected, in one day 137 new patients arrived. The situation will likely get worse before it gets better. Project Update - 29 Aug 2005

For many in Niger, a child's life depends on reaching an MSF centre

She knows at least four malnourished children in her village who have not yet come to Zinder for treatment. The children's mothers do not want to take them so far away or simply cannot. Project Update - 19 Aug 2005

The ghost town in Colombia that steals your sleep

One of the area's long-time leaders, a key promoter of the community's return to Saiza five years after the massacre, admits that the first time he rediscovered sleep in this tormented town was in June 2005, when Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) established a permanent presence in the town. Project Update - 16 Aug 2005

Niger Food Crisis: 'Therapeutic food should be considered an essential medicine'

These specialized foods are ready to eat, do not require cooking or water, come in individual sachets and cannot become contaminated. All of this eliminates the risk of having to add water, which prevented MSF from giving milk to kids at home before. Project Update - 12 Aug 2005

Africa's miracle food: plumpy'nut

Plumpy nut, a fortified peanut butter stuffed with milk and vitamins is the undisputed hero of the current crisis in Niger, where 3.6 million people 800,000 of them children face severe food shortages. Project Update - 12 Aug 2005

A taste of salvation for Niger children deemed not ill enough for a hospital

Aid has come in the nick of time for those infants weakened by the country's famine.
This article first appeared in The Guardian.
Project Update - 8 Aug 2005
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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