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MSF continues to fight cholera in Chad's capital city

New infections are at a rate now of 70 people per day. New MSF cholera facilites are already full. Project Update - 1 Sep 2004

Human Resources In The Humanitarian Frontline

Katherine Galliano, head of Human Resources at MSF in London, has spent the last six weeks in South and West Darfur, in Western Sudan. Katherine's a trained nurse and midwife but her job in Darfur is to help manage the flow of MSF's Sudanese national staff, dealing with our biggest humanitarian medical emergency in the world today. Voices from the Field - 1 Sep 2004

'Displaced in Darfur will need help for at least a year'

An interview with Marie-Noëlle Rodrigue and Xavier Xavier Crombé - two MSF volunteers who have have recently returned from Darfur, where they supervised MSF activities, fast becoming one of the largest humanitarian efforts undertaken by the organisation. Interview - 31 Aug 2004

UN HIV/AIDS Envoy Stephen Lewis on two-year anniversary of antiretrovirals in Arua, Uganda

There are six basic principles to successful AIDS treatment in Africa: free drugs and service; generic drugs; integrated care; investment in human resources; clear responsibility and direction; commitment from the internatioanl community. Project Update - 29 Aug 2004

AIDS treatment starts in poor part of Lima

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) has launched an HIV - AIDS treatment project in Villa El Salvador, a poor suburb on the southern side of Lima with a population of 350,000. Project Update - 27 Aug 2004

Donkey and cart 'ambulance' used for elderly care in Mornay

This invisible population was giving away their food to their family members and slowly dying of starvation. Project Update - 26 Aug 2004

Darfur: Here comes the rain again

A diary entry of Dean Harris, MSF doctor in Darfur, Sudan. Project Update - 25 Aug 2004
Hepatitis E

Hepatitis E outbreak in three Darfur locations

Hepatitis E is an epidemic related to a lack of hygiene. An insufficient supply water as well as precarious hygiene conditions have created the conditions in three locations where the displaced have gathered. To date, MSF has dealt with 443 patients - 11 have died. Project Update - 25 Aug 2004

MSF leaves Afghanistan after 24 years

At a press conference in Kabul, Kenny Gluck, MSF Director of Operations and Marine Buissonniere, Secretary General of MSF announced MSF's closure of all programs in Afghanistan.

Project Update - 24 Aug 2004
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF responds to cholera outbreak amidst scramble for resources in DRC

Since the beginning of July, there have been 354 cases and 38 deaths reported from cholera in four health sub-districts being targeted by MSF in the Walikale territory. Many more people are thought to have died who have not been able to access the limited health care there is available. Project Update - 23 Aug 2004
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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