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Flight from home

One of the most striking features of the crisis in Darfur has been the sheer volume of people who were forced to flee their homes. Report - 29 Oct 2004

Time to stop fooling ourselves: TB is spiralling out of control

The combination of MDR-TB and HIV/AIDS is a time-bomb waiting to go off in Africa. Press Release - 26 Oct 2004

Hope in healing scars

MSF's work in rehabilitating victims of urban violence in Cali, Colombia is being taken over by the local health authorities, who have given a clear commitment to continue the work. The handover is the culmination of six years development in the project, which provides free and comprehenesive care to people recovering from what can be crippling wounds. So far, 2,700 patients have had physiotherapy, psychological support, nursing, transport and social services to help them recover their lives. Project Update - 23 Oct 2004

Medical services continue at Haiti flood scene

The medical needs in the city of Gonaives are considered to be well covered, according to MSF staff in the field. Project Update - 20 Oct 2004
Democratic Republic of Congo

Part II: Making the spider's web

Read Part I: Deepest, darkest and furthest away - vaccinating 100,000 in the DRC

In Part I, Jessica Nestrell had arrived in the DRC and started her exploration of the region where she would be coordinating the vaccination of 100,000 children. By motorbike and dug out canoes, known as piroques, her team conducted an exploration mission, visiting the villages along the river banks and in the jungle, trying to get an idea of the scope of the effort.
Project Update - 19 Oct 2004
Democratic Republic of Congo

Clashes force evacuation of MSF team in DRC town

Project Update - 18 Oct 2004

Assistance in Colombia after floods

An MSF team is assisting with basic health care, water container distribution, water provision, hygienic supplies and referral services after floods occurred in Monteria, Colombia. Project Update - 18 Oct 2004

Aids, the new killer in the fields

A nation still recovering from years of political bloodletting, Cambodia is being weakened by a new scourge. Project Update - 17 Oct 2004

Dancing in the dark

Colombia's third largest city, Cali, is known as the salsa capital of the world. It also has a more grim claim to fame, writes Isobel Fonseca. It is the country's most violent city - 'more violent than Iraq' Project Update - 16 Oct 2004
Democratic Republic of Congo

Kinshasa and war-torn Bukavu region celebrate first year of ARV treatment

The Bukavu AIDS project in the Democratic Republic of Congo is the only one of its kind for MSF in a true conflict setting yet it has shown that it is possible to provide quality medical care for people living with AIDS in such environments. MSF also runs a second AIDS project in the DRC capital, Kinshasa, with the same record. Project Update - 15 Oct 2004
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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