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After seven years of support and reconstruction, MSF phases out its role in Redemption Hospital

"Redemption Hospital has gone through a great transformation over the past years - it is now a well-equipped facility with 150 beds and this is benefiting the whole community," said Pascal Duchemin, Head of Mission in Liberia. "By providing access to free quality health care, it is having a big positive impact on the health of the population of Bushrod Island and of Monrovia." Project Update - 5 Dec 2005

Lifeline for victims of sexual aggression

This series of articles and audio/video files was researched and written by Guardian newspaper journalists and was a feature series running in the UK publication and website throughout the Christmas season. Click logo to access the full series on the Guardian website
In Burundi, a clinic is helping to counter the HIV threat posed by rape.
Project Update - 3 Dec 2005
Democratic Republic of Congo

Attack on camp for displaced people in Katanga

Civil and military authorities are obstructing efforts by humanitarian organisations to assess the situation and the needs of the populations to the north of Mitwaba and Dubie. Press Release - 2 Dec 2005

HIV/AIDS and children

In the western world, mother-to-child transmission can be avoided in more than 99% of cases. This is far from being the case in Kenya and elsewhere in Africa, yet this is where the crushing majority of HIV infected children are found. In Mbagathi, 95% of children infected by HIV contracted the virus during pregnancy, birth or breast-feeding. Project Update - 1 Dec 2005

The dilemma of HIV pediatrics

The figures show that 33% of children with HIV positive mothers are born with the disease and 50% of suspected HIV positive children are dead by the time they reach two years of age. Project Update - 1 Dec 2005

HIV does not mean a death sentence

"HIV is not a death sentence. It's a new life that starts" - Portrait of Siama Musine, 30 years old, on antiretroviral treatment since April 2004. Project Update - 1 Dec 2005

Kibera: one of 1.4 million Aids orphans

"My friends would avoid me if I told them I have HIV/Aids" - Hawa, 13, on antiretroviral treatment since 2003, and her grandmother, Hamida Project Update - 1 Dec 2005

This HIV-positive girl is lucky. 99% of Mozambican children get no treatment

This series of articles and audio/video files was researched and written by Guardian newspaper journalists and was a feature series running in the UK publication and website throughout the Christmas season. Click logo to access the full series on the Guardian website
Latest estimates from the Mozambique government show 1.5 million Mozambicans with HIV, with only 15,000 on ARVs as the government attempts to build up a national programme of treatment. It is a race against time
Photo Story - 30 Nov 2005
World AIDS Day

Children under two and AIDS

Across the globe last year, 700,000 children were newly infected with HIV – half a million of them live in Africa, compared to only 250 in Europe and North America. But there are no affordable AIDS tests that work in babies or medicines that kids can take easily. Project Update - 28 Nov 2005
Democratic Republic of Congo

Fighting leads to renewed displacement in Katanga province, DRC

Hundreds more families are suspected to have been displaced in the region. Exact figures are not known since MSF has no access to areas close to the frontline because of heavy fighting. Project Update - 25 Nov 2005
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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