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Democratic Republic of Congo

Unprotected sex pays double, so poverty helps spread of HIV

This series of articles and audio/video files was researched and written by Guardian newspaper journalists and was a feature series running in the UK publication and website throughout the Christmas season. Click logo to access the full series on the Guardian website

In Congo, Médecins sans Frontières is encouraging prostitutes and pimps to use condoms.
In the Media - 19 Dec 2005

Monsoon rains and floods hit tsunami-affected area in Tamil Nadu

MSF targets villages that were spared in the tsunami but now lack essential relief aid. Project Update - 16 Dec 2005
Côte d'Ivoire

War is over but Ivorians are still paying the price

This series of articles and audio/video files was researched and written by Guardian newspaper journalists and was a feature series running in the UK publication and website throughout the Christmas season. Click logo to access the full series on the Guardian website
The latest of our reports looks at Ivory Coast where, amid a fragile peace, Medécins sans Frontières is vital in tackling a growing HIV/Aids epidemic.
Photo Story - 14 Dec 2005
In Memoriam

Two MSF colleagues killed in airline crash in Nigeria

It is with great sadness that Médecins Sans Frontières learned of the death of two of its volunteers in the airline crash which occurred in Nigeria on Saturday, December 10. Press Release - 14 Dec 2005

Two new malaria treatments available in 2006

First medicines developed by Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) will be easier to use and less expensive than current ACTs, but action is needed to make sure the treatments reach patients. Press Release - 13 Dec 2005

Reconstructive surgery helps restore vital functions for mutilation victims

NPR feature, Dec 17 NPR Audio: Doctors seek to help Uganda mutilation victims
Sunday Times Uganda mutilation victims: On a hiding to nothing
"There is no greater offence to our sense of humanity than to see people who have been so deliberately and barbarically disfigured," said Christine Schmitz, Head of Mission for MSF in Uganda.
Press Release - 12 Dec 2005
Access to medicines

WTO sacrifices access to medicines before Hong Kong ministerial meeting

"There is a glaring lack of evidence that the measures proposed by the WTO would actually resolve the difficulties we are facing - not one patient has benefited from its use," said Ellen 't Hoen, Director of Policy Advocacy for the MSF Access Campaign. Press Release - 12 Dec 2005
South Africa

The Lazarus effect

More than five million people are infected with HIV/Aids in South Africa. But while politicians argue and the death toll rises, one extraordinary project is bringing hope to the hopeless. Project Update - 10 Dec 2005
Access to medicines

mendment to WTO TRIPS agreement makes access to affordable medicines even more bleak

MSF expresses concern that patients the world-over will have to pay the price. Project Update - 6 Dec 2005

Forcing patients to pay for AIDS care endangers treatment success

The research revealed that in Lagos, Nigeria, among patients who had to pay for their own AIDS care, 44% had multiple treatment interruptions or took insufficient dosages due to lack of funds. The medical effects of this are extremely worrying. Press Release - 6 Dec 2005
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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