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Floods in Haiti: MSF starts intervention in Gonaives

After the flooding that hit the city of Gonaives, in northwest Haiti, on Saturday September 18, MSF has started its intervention to meet the medical needs of the population. Project Update - 21 Sep 2004

MSF support programmes for sexual violence victims among Darfur's displaced

While working in their clinics and feeding centers in Sudan's western region of Darfur, MSF volunteers regularly come across women and girls who have been raped or sexually assaulted. It generally happened when their village was attacked, or when, after having fled to displaced settlements they had to go out looking for firewood.

Joop Hegeman, a nurse and therapist, is helping to set up a response within MSF's South Darfur programs for women seeking assistance and a system to identify girls and women who need help, but are not necessarily coming forward. MSF teams in other parts of Darfur are organising a similar type of response.
Project Update - 16 Sep 2004

Despite heavy mobilization of aid in Darfur, the situation remains fragile and assistance must continue

These displaced people, who have lost everything, are completely dependent on humanitarian aid. Most had their food reserves destroyed or looted and were unable to plant their fields. Their only means of survival is continued international aid. Despite harsh living conditions in the camps, they do not want to return to their home areas, mainly because they fear more attacks. It is therefore imperative that aid mobilization continue, even if media coverage stops or Sudan disappears from the international political agenda. Project Update - 15 Sep 2004

The struggle for care in Katanga

Suffering from advanced cerebral malaria, the three year old girl died just after 10am after convulsing for about an hour. Having watched silently as the medical staff tried desperately to keep her child alive, when the moment finally came, the mother fell forward, bent double over the metal bed frame, and began crying hysterically into the mattress. Project Update - 13 Sep 2004

Weak care system remains at Darfur's Camp Kalma

In other regions of Darfur, the number of severely malnourished children is decreasing in MSF feeding centers, mainly thanks to the general food distributions. In Kalma, however, there is still an increase which cannot be explained by the fast growth of the camp alone. Project Update - 13 Sep 2004

Surge of violence in North Darfur

The province of North Darfur has been affected by increasing violence and tension since late August. The immediate consequence is the arrival of 2,000 intenally displaced people (IDPs) to Zam Zam camp over the last few days. Project Update - 13 Sep 2004

AIDS in Cambodia: a second chance at life

In the Southeast Asian country hardest hit by AIDS, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is battling the disease with life-prolonging antiretroviral medication. But in Cambodia, there are still obstacles that must be overcome before AIDS treatment is available for all. Photo Story - 10 Sep 2004

Precautionary evacuation of MSF team in Lower Juba Valley

Expat members of an MSF team based in Marere (Lower Juba Valley), southern Somalia, have been evacuated as a preventative measure. Project Update - 10 Sep 2004

The other Sudan: crisis in Malakal in danger of exacerbating

Alongside Darfur, another serious humanitarian crisis is going on in Sudan in the Shilluk Kingdom, near the city of Malakal in Upper Nile State. Project Update - 10 Sep 2004

High energy biscuits for children in remote Darfur regions

"We came to this region because we heard that people were recently displaced by violence and we believed there was a serious nutritional problem", said project coordinator Lis List. "But we didn't realize how great the need actually was until we started working. Project Update - 9 Sep 2004
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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