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Access to medicines

Don't trade away health in the FTAA

"No doctor should be faced with turning away patients who can't afford treatment because trade negotiators extended monopolies on life-saving medicines. Human lives must not be bargained over like cars or toys," said an MSF spokesperson.

Regional and bilateral trade agreements must not erode patient rights.
Press Release - 19 Nov 2003

MSF in Mali to fight cholera epidemic

The first focus is on treating the patients and then the intervention will expand or adapt according to how the outbreak develops. Project Update - 18 Nov 2003

MSF calls upon Latin American governments to guarantee access to medicines in the continent

The XIII Iberoamerican Summit is an important forum for governments of the Americas to publicly express their commitment to the protection of public health. Press Release - 13 Nov 2003

MSF team in Zhare Dasht, Afghanistan, resumes activities after security threat

Four armed men threatened to execute six people who were working with a de-mining agency. The de-miners managed to escape unharmed except for one, who was shot in the leg. Project Update - 5 Nov 2003

Arjan Erkel, more than 14 months in captivity

EU President Berlusconi is called upon to press President Putin to secure the release of Arjan Erkel, MSF aid worker in captivity in the Caucasus since August 2002. Press Release - 5 Nov 2003
South Africa

Many children report to new MSF post-rape centre in Khayelitsha

In light of the shocking number of sexually abused children, MSF will evaluate the need to adapt its post rape programme to this reality. Project Update - 4 Nov 2003

MSF intervenes on both sides of Somalia clan conflict

"At the moment there are four major armed conflicts going on in Somalia, of which this is one. Two others are taking place near Baidoa, and the fourth in the Juba Valley, not too far from our new project there," said an MSF spokeperson. Project Update - 31 Oct 2003

Isolated or forgotten, MSF mobile clinicsreach remote populations in Colombia

MSF travelling health facilities are essential to health care for rural populations, who almost seem to not have the right to fall ill. These visits may be their only contact to health professionals in years. Project Update - 31 Oct 2003

MSF statement on independent humanitarian aid in Iraq

Deliberately targeting civilians and independent aid agencies is a war crime...(This) attack was an assault on the very heart of humanitarianism. Actions and statements made by Western officials, however, have only contributed to the vulnerability of humanitarian organizations to attacks. Press Release - 31 Oct 2003
Democratic Republic of Congo

New support project for Walikale hospital in DRC

MSF has started a new project in Walikale, some 150 kilometres east of Goma in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Project Update - 29 Oct 2003
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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