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Pilot project to prove that disease can be treated in poor countries.

Pilot project to prove that disease can be treated in poor countries. Press Release - 29 Oct 2003

Arjan Erkel: EU presidency to intervene with Russian Government

In November, the EU's Italian Presidency will call on the Russian Federation for the release of Arjan Erkel during the EU-Russia summit hold in Roma. Project Update - 28 Oct 2003

MSF response to attack on ICRC in Baghdad

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) strongly condemns this morning's attack on an ICRC compound in Baghdad. Press Release - 27 Oct 2003

MSF treats first patient with anti-retrovirals in Laos

In the future MSF aims to bring HAART to all patients suffering from HIV/Aids in and around Savannaketh. MSF is also looking for ways to expand its treatment programme to other parts of the country. Press Release - 24 Oct 2003

A new calm follows protests in Bolivian capital

There were over 135 injured in the Miraflores Hospital, where MSF was present. Other hospitals in the city were also dealing with the injured, with the numbers straining the facilities and leaving many without materials or medicines. Project Update - 23 Oct 2003

AIDS drugs now available for 36 cents a dayunder Clinton Foundation deal

"With this announcement, the World Health Organization's objective of reaching three million by 2005 becomes much more feasible." Press Release - 23 Oct 2003

Refugee deaths at Lampedusa highlight grave political failures

Of 24 refugess, 13 did not survive the crossing. The remaining 11 passengers were transported first to the Lampedusa Temporary Detention Centre (TDC) where MSF offers medical care, but due to their wretched state, the majority had to be subsequently transferred to the intensive care unit of Palermo hospital. Press Release - 23 Oct 2003

Hundreds of Sudanese live in 'Hotel Africa', Italy - a derelict railway station in the centre of Rome

In what has been dubbed 'Hotel Africa', Sudanese refugees have made their homes. The MSF team of 'Missione Italia' distributed hygiene kits to the refugees. They live here with no running water nor electricity. There are no sanitation facilities and the risk of disease is very high. Press Release - 20 Oct 2003
South Africa

MSF welcomes decision of South Africa Competition Commission to promote access to medicines

If the South African government is serious about providing ARV treatment to the half a million South Africans with HIV/AIDS who clinically need it, they must immediately take advantage of this decision. Press Release - 16 Oct 2003
War and conflict

Ingushetia, the last refuge from the scourge of war

This feature is one of a ten-country series that first appeared in the Belgian newspapers Le Soir (French) and De Standaard (Dutch). Prepared in cooperation with MSF, the series explores the lives of the civilian populations trying to survive in conflicts the world has all but forgotten. Project Update - 15 Oct 2003
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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