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ACT NOW to get malaria treatment that works to Africa

This is an urgent call to international donors to join African countries in implementing World Health Organization (WHO) treatment guidelines for malaria. Report - 24 Apr 2003

Q&A: ACT NOW to get malaria treatment that works to Africa

We need to implement ACT today. We need to ACT NOW. Project Update - 24 Apr 2003

Africa Malaria Day 2003: MSF says foot-dragging on malaria treatment change has lethal consequences

The continuing use of ineffective drugs despite alarming levels of resistance is leading to increased treatment failure and deaths. Press Release - 24 Apr 2003

ACT NOW to get malaria treatment that works to Africa

MSF is seeking to change the current dynamic in which the lack of political and financial support on the part of donors means that endemic countries are often encouraged to "leave alone" failing malaria treatment and are not given financial and technical help to implement more effective strategies.

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from the International Activity Report
Report - 23 Apr 2003

Food situation deteriorating in Akuem and Marial-Lou

MSF urges the World Food Programme (WFP) to continue its
food distributions.
Press Release - 23 Apr 2003

MSF medical diagnosis on Iraq

MSF's International President, Dr Morten Rostrup, was the medical coordinator in Baghdad and has just returned to Europe when the team was rotated. At a briefing for international journalists today in Brussels, he described what MSF sees as the challenges in Iraq. This a is summary of his remarks. Project Update - 23 Apr 2003

MSF at the crossroads in Indonesia

MSF activity shifts from emergency assistance to a longer term approach - AIDS, TB and malaria treatment have become focus points for future activity. Project Update - 22 Apr 2003

MSF to open Aids clinic in Hubei

The MSF Xiangfan clinic aims to offer a full range of treatments for up to 500 people. The clinic will employ more than a dozen staff, including two expatriate doctors. Project Update - 19 Apr 2003
Côte d'Ivoire

MSF urges all parties involved in the conflict to respect civilian populations

MSF urges all parties involved in the conflict to respect civilian populations. Press Release - 17 Apr 2003

Release of genocide suspects in Rwanda prompts concern for survivors

Since the conflict nine years ago the fabric of society in Rwanda has largely disintegrated, leaving today's survivors fearful of trusting those around them. Many of the freed ex-prisoners are expected to return to their local communities to live alongside survivors of the atrocities, prompting serious concern about the psychological effect on the victims. Project Update - 14 Apr 2003
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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