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7623 Results

MSF reestablishes facilities and adds to teams in Monrovia's increasing calm

The situation has improved since this past Monday, and the number of war wounded civilians has dropped. However the decline is not necessarily an indication of improving conditions. Cholera and malnutrition remain the biggest concerns. The situation in Monrovia is catastrophic enough, but access to over three-quarters of Liberia remains impossible and health care facilities are presumably all-but non-existent. MSF is gravely concerned about the health situation for all of the Liberian population. Project Update - 8 Aug 2003

More than 200 people were pressured out of the camps without prior notice in the last three days

More than 200 people were pressured out of the camps without prior notice in the last three days. Press Release - 8 Aug 2003

New Kenya project affirms commitment to AIDS treatment

After opening ARV treatment projects in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in Homa Bay and Nairobi earlier, MSF has now undertaken a similar ARV programme in Busia District. The district, that straddles the border between Kenya and Uganda, is estimated to have a high HIV/AIDS prevalence, with official figures varying between 22% (2000) and 34% (1999). Press Release - 6 Aug 2003

Battered Liberians aid each other

For weeks, the streets of Monrovia's West Point neighborhood have been emptied of life, the rubbish-filled alleys silent except for the ping of flying bullets and crash of mortars. Project Update - 6 Aug 2003

MSF tackles malaria outbreak

In a remote area in North Maluku, MSF discovered that six children had died fom the disease in the past two weeks alone. A swift response is required. Project Update - 5 Aug 2003

Big Pharma puts block on cheap drug imports

Nick Mathiason on poor countries' ongoing struggle to obtain generic pharmaceuticals: For decades, 'big pharma' has fought to limit the scope of countries to import cheap copies of its patented drugs. In the post-industrial age, patents are the most valuable commodity a company has and are jealously guarded. - This article first appeared in The Observer Project Update - 3 Aug 2003

Monrovia casebook: Stray bullets threaten every corner of life

A 10-year-old girl called Amuchee had been hit by a stray bullet that had lodged in her arm but with no serious damage. One of the nurses told me that, in the local Bassa language, the child's name means "she will live." Project Update - 1 Aug 2003

Thin Girl with a Headscarf

Richard Mowll worked for several months as a logistician with MSF in Uzbekistan. Below he describes an encounter with just one of thousands of Uzbeks suffering from tuberculosis. Project Update - 1 Aug 2003

Monrovia casebook: The old man I forgot

MSF volunteer, Dr Andrew Schechtman has been in the Liberian capital of Monrovia working with the local population, providing medical aid to people suffering from gunshot and mortar wounds to malaria and cholera. This casebook story is also available on the BBC website. Project Update - 31 Jul 2003

A cholera outbreak in Monrovia goes unchecked as street fighting continues

"Treating cholera is simple but controlling the spread of the disease is not, especially in the extremely poor sanitary conditions existing in Monrovia today," said an MSF staff member trying to describe the difficulty of controling the cholera epidemic in this embattled city. Project Update - 31 Jul 2003
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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