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7465 Results

The Aral Sea disappears while tuberculosis climbs

The rate of infection here is among the highest in the world. In Uzbekistan about 13 percent of new cases are multi-resistant, while among those patients who have been treated previously for tuberculosis, 40 percent have MDR-TB. This type of tuberculosis hits harder here than most other places in the world. Project Update - 19 Mar 2003
Côte d'Ivoire

MSF re-opens Ivory Coast hospital amid climate of fear

Amid an atmosphere of heightening tension and insecurity in the conflict-stricken west of the Ivory Coast, MSF has succeeded in re-opening the Regional Hospital in Man near the border with Liberia. Project Update - 18 Mar 2003

Still no food or shelter as the refugee influx continues

Since the beginning of the crisis in November 2002, MSF has repeatedly called for aid but remains the only organisation to have reacted in any serious way. Press Release - 18 Mar 2003

MSF urges UNHCR and Liberian government to open a refugee camp in a safe area

MSF urges UNHCR and Liberian government to open a refugee camp in a safe area, away from the fighting. Press Release - 13 Mar 2003

Violence in eastern Liberia sets thousands on the run and forces MSF to stop assistance

"Our teams were forced to leave the area because it was too dangerous to stay and we are very worried now about the situation of the people in the region, both local population and the refugees. Thousands of innocent people remain trapped in an extremely violent and volatile situation, cut off from medical care of any kind," - said MSF. Project Update - 11 Mar 2003
Republic of Congo

MSF launches rape awareness campaign in Congo-Brazzaville

Today one rape in two involves a minor: children, sometimes even babies. Boys as well as girls are raped. Nor are the elderly, pregnant women, or mothers spared. Every social category is affected. Project Update - 11 Mar 2003

Homelessness and hardship in Moscow

MSF has been providing medical and social assistance to Moscow's homeless population for the past 10 years, during which time the organisation has undertaken more than 197,000 medical consultations, providing medicines and bandages, and referral to hospital when needed. Project Update - 8 Mar 2003
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF opens emergency mission in Kamina Lenge, Mukubu and Katanga region of DRC

Calm has now been restored and people are coming back to Ankoro. But the population remains worried, because these acts of violence were not the first and the troops who committed them are yet to be replaced. Press Release - 6 Mar 2003
South Africa

New AIDS project in South Africa

MSF is starting a new HIV program in rural South Africa in collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Foundation. Project Update - 3 Mar 2003
Medical resource

Medical journals: evidence of bias against the diseases of poverty

Editors could use their journals to call for greater commitment to close the 10/90 gap - where 90% of research funding is channelled into diseases affecting only 10% of the world's population. Project Update - 1 Mar 2003
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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