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Vital questions unanswered by Dutch inquiry into Srebrenica massacre

Médecins Sans Frontières calls for the United States and Britain to carry out their own investigations. Press Release - 30 Jan 2003

The Vaccine Gap: NY Times editorial

As the world struggles to fend off mysterious and complex plagues like AIDS and malaria, it must still find a sustainable way to ensure that children do not die from diseases that vaccines can prevent. Project Update - 30 Jan 2003
United States of America

Lives lost: None of them had to die

A Boston Globe feature. Yesterday, 24,000 people worldwide could have been saved with basic care. The same number could have been saved the day before, and the day before that. In all, over the last year, 8.8 million lives were lost needlessly to preventable diseases, infections, and childbirth complications. Project Update - 28 Jan 2003

Positive lives: ART care brings new hope in Mozambique

"We're all well aware that there's an enormous problem here and that our operation is only small. But in the end for us it's about helping the person in front of us, hoping that our assistance can help them fight the disease." - MSF doctor in Mozambique Project Update - 27 Jan 2003

European Parliament calls for Russia to pursue the release of kidnapped MSF volunteer, Arjan Erkel

MSF has launched an international campaign for the release of the MSF volunteer Arjan Erkel. Project Update - 26 Jan 2003
United States of America

Whose interests does the World Trade Organization serve?

Those who support increasing access to medicines for the poor have lost, for now, to those more interested in protecting the patents owned by the US pharmaceutical industry. Project Update - 25 Jan 2003

Full TB coverage in Khorezm region of Uzbekistan

MSF has finalised the expansion of the treatment programme for tuberculosis (TB) in Khorezm oblast, Uzbekistan. Project Update - 23 Jan 2003

MSF increases assistance to refugee flow into Chad

Outside the main reception camps, more refugees are scattered throughout the surrounding areas and many are seeking refuge in the bush land. Project Update - 23 Jan 2003

The milk of human kindness: Artifical milk feeding in Mozambique

In Mozambique, exclusive feeding of babies by artificial milk is rare and is associated with illness and bad mothering. If a relative sees a mother with formula, it might raise some dangerous questions. But feeding by artifical milk may be essential in stemming the increase of mother-to-child transmission in the country. Project Update - 23 Jan 2003

The 'bomzhi' - homeless in Moscow

Moscow's homeless, numbering close to 100,000, are trying to survive in conditions where temperatures regularly fall below minus 30 celcius. They are considered vagrants and criminals; are deprived shelter and basic care; and often die in the streets without anyone noticing. MSF's homeless campaign is bringing essential attention these people during the freezing Russian winter. Project Update - 21 Jan 2003
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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