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7623 Results

Famine rages across Huambo province

The mortality and malnutrition rates shows the profound suffering of the population and their risk of death if massive and immediate aid does not reach them. Press Release - 23 May 2002

MSF briefing to the UN Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Liberia

In April 2000, MSF called on the Security Council to make the protection of civilians in armed conflicts a priority. Two months later, the issues remain the same: there is still no protection for the populations and almost no donor support for essential humanitarian activities. Speech - 23 May 2002
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF activities suspended in Shabunda due to local violence

Ongoing clashes in the area may mean the MSF team shall not be able to return to their projects for some weeks. Project Update - 23 May 2002

MSF team returns to Bosasso

Project Update - 21 May 2002
Global health

Brundtland sets out priorities at annual World Health Assembly

Meanwhile MSF called on WHO to show greater courage against the pharmaceutical giants. Project Update - 18 May 2002
Access to Healthcare

MSF awarded the UAE Zayed Prize for Health

The award was accepted on behalf of Médecins Sans Frontières by Dr Jean-Hervé Bradol, President of MSF-France. Speech - 16 May 2002

Another famine-stricken region discovered, at Galangue

A massive mobilization is urgently required for hundreds of thousands of people about to die. Press Release - 16 May 2002
Democratic People's Republic of Korea

North Korea - Aid meant for the hungry

"Anyone who has sat and talked to the North Korean refugees would find it really difficult to believe the assurances of the WFP," Sophie Delaunay, North Korean project representative for Medecins Sans Frontieres. Press Release - 16 May 2002
Access to medicines

Fighting the 10/90 gap

Less than 10% of the worldwide expenditure on health research and development is devoted to the major health problems of 90% of the population. The MSF initiative targets the most neglected diseases; how scientists can help. Project Update - 13 May 2002
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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