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Malaria epidemic in Burundi

MSF teams are confronted with an unprecedented number of patients and MSF requests the WHO's support for more effective treatment. Project Update - 15 Dec 2000

Fear of increase in food shortages

Tens of thousands of people in Herat, in western Afghanistan, are facing a sharply deteriorating humanitarian situation. Hundreds of new refugees are arriving daily in Herat. Nothing is available to them, not even tents - let alone any adequate form of shelter. Meanwhile, the temperature has dropped below zero. Project Update - 15 Dec 2000

Some 10,000 Afghan IDPs stuck on border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan

The ongoing fighting between the Northern Alliance (NA) and the Taliban movement has left almost 200,000 people displaced in Northern Afghanistan. Approximately 10,000 of them were unable to flee to safe areas and are now stuck on two islands within the Pianj river between the Tajik border and the Afghan front-line. Project Update - 11 Dec 2000

Thousands flee DRC for Zambia

Thousands of refugees from the area around the city of Pweto in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) arrived in northern Zambia last Sunday. The people have fled after renewed fighting around the coppermines in the south of the DRC. Among the refugees are also soldiers of the FAC, the army of Congolese president Kabila. Project Update - 11 Dec 2000
Democratic Republic of Congo

People of Pweto in danger

Due to serious unrest taking place in the town of Pweto (province of Katanga) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the civilian population is being exposed to major risks, posed both by the conflict itself and by the major cholera epidemic rampant in the region. Press Release - 8 Dec 2000

MSF notes worrisome health situation and obstacles to providing medical care

Noting the increasing obstacles regarding access to medical care in the old town of Hebron (West Bank), Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has organized mobile teams of doctors and psychologists. Centered around home visits, this work has brought to light the deteriorating health status of the Palestinian people over the last few months. Press Release - 7 Dec 2000
Haemorrhagic fevers

Ebola outbreak claims Ugandan superintendent

One of the doctors (not an MSF staff member) who has been at the forefront of the fight against the highly contagious Ebola virus in Uganda has died of the disease. Project Update - 5 Dec 2000
Haemorrhagic fevers

Number of ebola cases climbs

Despite MSF reports in recent weeks that the worst of the ebola crisis seemed to have passed, the number of suspected ebola cases in Gulu has increased during the last week (ending Dec 1, 2000) and now stands at 405, while a total of 133 people have died during this outbreak of ebola. Project Update - 5 Dec 2000

MSF says pharmaceutical industry must keep its promise

On May 11 this year, the Wall Street Journal reported on an offer that was made by five large pharmaceutical companies (Boehringer lngelheim, Bristol Meyers, Glaxo Wellcome, Merck & Co. and Hoffmann-La Roche) to lower the prices of HIV/AIDS drugs in developing countries. Since then however, little has come of this promise. Project Update - 5 Dec 2000

The crippled continent

The plight of Miriam Mbwana is a stark example of the tragedy being played out in millions of families across sub-Saharan Africa. Six of her 11 children have died of Aids. Project Update - 2 Dec 2000
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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