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Tackling COVID-19 in Lebanon, through prevention and vaccination
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

European Union: more empty promises about global COVID-19 vaccine equity

More words from the EU underline the importance of global access to vaccines, but when will words turn to action? Project Update - 15 Sep 2021
Niger: Treating water in communities to prevent malaria

Combating malaria through water treatment for communities in Niger

Since June, through water treatment and insecticides, our teams have been combating the development of mosquito larvae into full-grown mosquitoes, thus curbing malaria cases in Niger ahead of the rainy season. Project Update - 14 Sep 2021
Gambella Ethiopia: South Sudanese refugees

Amid enormous needs in Ethiopia, MSF forced to suspend majority of healthcare

Despite complying with the Ethiopian authorities’ requests and undertaking all required action, MSF has been forced to suspend almost all activities in Ethiopia while the needs of the people are enormous. Statement - 10 Sep 2021
Mariam*, a woman originally from Afghanistan, who lives in Lesbos for two years.

One year on from Moria fire, EU denies dignity to migrants trapped on Greek islands

A year after a fire tore through and destroyed Moria camp, on Lesbos, Greece, thousands of refugees remain on the island, with the EU refusing to provide dignity to those trapped there. Project Update - 10 Sep 2021
MSF IDP activities in Kunduz July 2021

Overcoming obstacles: Treating trauma in Kunduz

A medic in Kunduz describes treating trauma during and after the fighting: from bomb blasts to gun-shot wounds, to road traffic accidents – it’s all in a day’s work. Voices from the Field - 10 Sep 2021
HAITI MSF Projects southern province 13

Complex needs of earthquake survivors require continued specialised care

Despite the obstacles and difficulties, the needs in the southernmost region of Haiti continue as MSF works to provide continued care for those most affected by the earthquake. Project Update - 9 Sep 2021
Central American migration

US and Mexico asylum policies leave migrants in deplorable and dangerous conditions

Mass deportations and failed asylum policies leave tens of thousands of migrants stranded and in danger along Mexico’s border cities. Press Release - 9 Sep 2021
MSF COVID-19 treatment center in Gazer Gah Hospital

Afghanistan: medical needs grow as international organisations suspend activities

An MSF medic in Herat, Afghanistan, describes the reality of working in the city since the Taliban took control and almost all other organisations suspended operations. Voices from the Field - 6 Sep 2021
Addressing the ocean of gaps in the treatment of tuberculosis in children and adolescents
Access to medicines

Lifesaving TB medicines still out of reach for children in high-burden countries

As the World Health Organization recommends children of all ages have access to all-oral treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis, we call on governments to allow production of these lifesaving drugs to be affordable for all. Press Release - 3 Sep 2021
Venezuela: How studying mosquito behavior help bring down malaria in Sucre state

Tracking mosquitoes to prevent malaria in Venezuela

The incidence of malaria cases has decreased by 80 per cent in areas where MSF teams work alongside local authorities in the northeastern state of Sucre, Venezuela. Project Update - 1 Sep 2021
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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