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MSF response in Bangassou and Ndu
Central African Republic

MSF teams ramp up support as violence escalates

As the security and humanitarian situation in Central African Republic rapidly deteriorates, people have reduced access to essential medical services. Project Update - 14 Jan 2021
Ethiopian Refugees Crossing: Hamdayet Entry Point
Ethiopia Tigray crisis

Providing assistance to people in Ethiopia and Sudan in wake of Tigray violence

Following the start of violence in the Tigray region of Ethiopia in November 2020, MSF teams are providing assistance to both internally displaced in Ethiopia, and those who've fled to neighbouring Sudan. Project Update - 12 Jan 2021
COVID-19 response in Intensive care unit of HUG

Responding to the second wave of COVID-19 in Switzerland

After wrapping up COVID-19 response activities in Switzerland during the first wave in May 2020, MSF teams have returned to the country to address the growing second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. Project Update - 11 Jan 2021
Yellow Fever Vaccination Campaign in Kinshasa
Yellow fever

Fractioning doses of yellow fever vaccine can help save more lives

A study from MSF/Epicentre has found that giving one-fifth of a normal dose of the yellow fever vaccine offers enough protection to prevent the deadly disease and save lives during outbreaks. Press Release - 8 Jan 2021

Overlapping crises in Lebanon increase needs and worsen access to care

In the last year, Lebanon has faced political turmoil, social unrest, economic crisis, COVID-19 and the Beirut port blast. For many, Lebanese and refugees alike, the struggle to access healthcare has become even harder. Project Update - 8 Jan 2021
MSF Clinic: inpatient department and surgical capacity, Gogrial, Warrap State. South Sudan

Patient dies after an MSF ambulance is violently detained in Mali

Following an attack on an ambulance in Mali, in which a patient died, MSF condemns the serious and violent obstruction of medical aid, and calls for the respect of humanitarian and medical action. Press Release - 7 Jan 2021
Mobile clinics Hebron Dec-20

“For one year no one came here” to provide medical care in the West Bank

Some communities under strict Israeli control in Hebron, West Bank, Palestine, face challenges accessing basic healthcare due to administrative restrictions and a lack of transportation. Women are particularly affected. Project Update - 5 Jan 2021
Consequences of war for civilian population in Bangassou
Central African Republic

MSF provides care in post-election attacks in Bangassou, CAR

MSF teams are providing medical care to people caught up in post-election violence across Central African Republic, including in Bangassou, the site of the latest attack by armed groups. Project Update - 4 Jan 2021
Ouaka - General View
Central African Republic

Shooting shows civilians continue to pay high price for the perpetual cycle of violence in CAR

A shooting incident near Bambari, central southern CAR, has resulted in the deaths of several people, including an MSF staff member, showing the high price people pay for the ongoing violence. Press Release - 30 Dec 2020
25 de Junho IDP Camp - Cabo Delgado

Trying to survive a three-year nightmare in Mozambique

MSF's strategic support manager for Mozambique, Caroline Gaudron, describes the chaos and challenges for people trying to survive, having fled extreme violence in the country's Cabo Delgado province. Voices from the Field - 29 Dec 2020
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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