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Ouaka - General View
Central African Republic

Medical care at arm’s length: the continuous struggle of the people of Ouaka

Caretakers of patients in Bambari hospital, CAR, tell of their struggles to access healthcare due to insecurity, a lack of financial and medical resources, and the lack of functioning health facilities. Project Update - 24 Dec 2020
Al Hashaba transit camp for refugees from Ehtiopian Tigray Region
Ethiopia Tigray crisis

“Services for the refugees need to increase, otherwise it will be a disaster”

MSF’s acting emergency coordinator in Sudan describes the situation in Um Rakuba camp, where 15,000 people who fled violence in Ethiopia are sheltering. Voices from the Field - 23 Dec 2020
Neglected crisis in central Mali

Central Mali: no choice but to flee

Civilians in central Mali face extreme violence every day and armed conflict has displaced many. They have limited access to basic services. Project Update - 22 Dec 2020
The knock-on effects of COVID-19

Page 4 - 21 Dec 2020
The knock-on effects of COVID-19

Page 3 - 21 Dec 2020
The knock-on effects of COVID-19

Page 2 - 21 Dec 2020
The knock-on effects of COVID-19

Page 1 - 21 Dec 2020
MSF | Amhara Region
Ethiopia Tigray crisis

“They saw soldiers and civilians coming in, wounded or dead”

MSF and Ministry of Health staff in Ethiopia’s Amhara region, next to Tigray, treated many people with severe injuries. It deeply affected them. Project Update - 18 Dec 2020
Harin Halil

Alarming mental health distress among asylum seekers on Greek islands

Four months after the fire that destroyed Moria, 15,000 people are still trapped in inhumane conditions on Greece's islands. Project Update - 17 Dec 2020
Giving birth in Dasht-e-Barchi

Patients face persistent insecurity amid “peace process”

Persistent insecurity remains a near-constant barrier to accessing healthcare in Afghanistan and has increased since the intra-Afghan talks in Doha began. Project Update - 16 Dec 2020
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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