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War in Gaza:: find out how we're responding
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7464 Results
Violences and displacement in North Kivu
Democratic Republic of Congo

Massive humanitarian response needed to avoid health catastrophe in DRC

As fighting displaces thousands of people in North and South Kivu, in DRC, we are deeply concerned about spread of diseases, such as cholera, due to overcrowded, unsanitary living conditions. Interview - 12 Mar 2024
Old Fangak flooding
Climate emergency

Impacts of climate change on human health in humanitarian settings

This mixed-methods study focuses on the evidence of the health impacts of climate change on populations affected by humanitarian crises. PLOS - 11 Mar 2024
MSF response to malaria outbreak in Zamfara State, Nigeria

Neglected humanitarian crisis escalates in northwest Nigeria

After a year in which MSF teams treated high levels of malnutrition, malaria and other diseases, the crisis in northwest Nigeria persists, along with a lack of international support. Press Release - 11 Mar 2024
Drodro general hospital, Ituri province
Democratic Republic of Congo

MSF calls for protection of patients, medical facilities and civilians following Drodro hospital attack

Since the attack on Drodro on March 7, MSF has temporarily evacuated its staff from the town, but MSF teams continue to provide support. However, MSF is concerned that, as insecurity worsens and supplies run out, this is not sustainable. Press Release - 8 Mar 2024
Assisting Survivors of Sexual Violence in Kanyaruchinya
Women's health

Women on the frontline: Defying the consequences of conflict to care for each other

Women’s regular health needs don’t disappear when conflict or war breaks out, they only become more critical. This International Women's Day, we share stories of women affected by conflict caring for their own communities. Project Update - 8 Mar 2024
Migrants in transit in ECuador, Colombia y Panama

MSF forced to suspend medical care for people on the move in Panama

MSF has been ordered by authorities in Panama to suspend our medical activities to people on the migration route with immediate effect. Press Release - 7 Mar 2024
Women's health in Jahun, Jigawa State - Nigeria

An arduous journey for pregnant women to access healthcare in northwest Nigeria

Nigeria is the third country in the world where a woman is most likely to die giving birth. MSF collaborates with the Jigawa state Ministry of Health to provide comprehensive emergency obstetrics, newborn care and care for fistula. Project Update - 7 Mar 2024
Conflict in Gaza
Gaza-Israel war

MSF President calls on UN member states to take urgent action in Gaza

Dr Christos Christou, MSF International President, calls on UN member states for an immediate ceasefire and urgent humanitarian response in Gaza. Opinion - 7 Mar 2024
MSF Response to bullet wounded patients - Tabarre

Retrospective estimation of crude mortality in Cité Soleil, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Retrospective estimation of crude mortality and level of violence suffered by the population of Cité Soleil, Port-au-Prince, Haiti during the year 2022 and 2023.
Report - 7 Mar 2024
Medical consequences of the violence in Port-au-Prince

New survey reveals extreme levels of violence in Port-au-Prince

A retrospective mortality survey by MSF's Epicentre reveals the extreme levels of violence experienced by residents of a neighbourhood in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. Press Release - 7 Mar 2024
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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