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Old Fangak, South Sudan
South Sudan

Protecting children from preventable diseases

Skye Giannino is a nurse from Victoria State in Australia. In April 2016 she supervised a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) vaccination campaign in Old Fangak, North-West of South Sudan. She shares a day in the life of this challenging assignment. Voices from the Field - 9 Jun 2016
Aweil Hospital, South Sudan
South Sudan

Paediatric care and treating malnutrition in Aweil

Project Update - 9 Jun 2016
Leer & Thonyor - May 2016
Child health

First ever MSF Paediatric Days

Newborns, children and adolescents constitute a major part of MSF patients worldwide. Committed to enhancing the quality of care and address current paediatric issues, MSF is now organising its first paediatric days in Stockholm 23-24 September. Project Update - 8 Jun 2016
Leer & Thonyor - May 2016
Child health

First MSF Paediatric days to be organised in Stockholm

New-borns, children and adolescents constitute a major part of MSF patients worldwide. Committed to enhancing the quality of care and address current paediatric issues, MSF is now organising its first paediatric days in Stockholm 23-24 September. Event - 8 Jun 2016
HIV illustrations 3_JPEG

Governments at UN must address severe lack of treatment access in West and Central Africa during High-Level Meeting

Ahead of the UN High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS this week (8-10 June), the international medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) commended governments for deliberating a critical goal that 30 million people should be reached with life-saving HIV treatment by 2020, but also warned that governments need to speed up the scale-up of treatment for people in countries where critical medicines reach fewer than one-third of those in need. Press Release - 7 Jun 2016
Snakebite: little hope of a cure for the most vulnerable.
South Sudan

Little hope of a cure for the most vulnerable

Project Update - 3 Jun 2016
Al Salamah MSF Hospital, Syria

We hope the bloodshed will stop, but it’s not likely to happen soon.

Yahya Jarad, nursing superviser at MSF's Al Salamah hospital in Azaz, speaks about practising medicine in a community under siege. Voices from the Field - 2 Jun 2016
Distributions, Azaz district

People trapped in Azaz urgently need safe haven - Turkey and the EU must open their borders

An estimated 100,000 people trapped in the Azaz district of Syria, between the frontline with the Islamic State group and the Turkish border, must be allowed to reach safe haven in Turkey. Europe must also honour its moral and legal commitments by granting asylum to those fleeing from this conflict. Press Release - 2 Jun 2016
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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