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Samos, Greece
European Union

Don't turn your back on Asylum: #TakePeopleIn

Open letter to the leaders of EU Member States and institutions Open Letter - 13 May 2016
Mediterranean migration

The mismanagement and poor planning Europe is demonstrating is beyond belief

“All over Greece we are witnessing the consequences of inhumane policies that have left thousands stranded and forgotten without access to basic services or information. European states and authorities have decided to make deterrence their only priority and given up on providing protection and assistance to these people – despite their moral and legal responsibility to do so.” Project Update - 12 May 2016
Ioannina, Greece
Project Update

Testimony from Yazidi refugees in Katsikas Camp, Greece

"We thought that Europe might protect people who have suffered the kind of suffering we have undergone. But we feel like criminals, forced to hide in the mountain, " says Shemi, an Yazidi refugee in Greece. "Look at where we are. We pray that someone hears us, so that the road opens. I don’t want to die here. I don’t want to die watching my grandchildren suffering. " Voices from the Field - 12 May 2016

Shorter TB regimens offer new hope

By Leonardo Palumbo, Regional Advocacy Manager, Médecins Sans Frontières in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan Opinion - 12 May 2016
#safepassage action in Lesbos
Mediterranean migration

In 2016 who still counts as human?

"Through this deal, EU leaders have made a choice that should raise serious questions for the citizens of affluent Europe. In 2016 who still counts as human? Whose lives matter? What happened to empathy? And where has solidarity gone when faced with the anguish and despair of those whose lives have been shattered?" Statement - 12 May 2016
Emergency intervention in Bambouti (CAR)
Central African Republic

Thousands of South Sudanese refugees living in deplorable conditions

Project Update - 11 May 2016
 Healthcare in Boguila, Central African Republic
Central African Republic

Humanitarians need to go where no one else wants to

Midwife Carlen Mezendy Ndakala is the delivery room supervisor at the MSF maternity clinic in Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic. She shares some of her experiences providing humanitarian care in a highly unstable environment. Voices from the Field - 11 May 2016
Koutiala comprehensive paediatric project
Child health

A day in one of our largest paediatric programmes

Paediatrics advisor Dr David Green has recently arrived in Koutiala, southern Mali, on an extended visit to one of the largest paediatric programmes run by Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). He describes a recent Monday working with national staff doctors, who share their wealth of experience in the six-year-old project. Voices from the Field - 11 May 2016
Dec 2013 - 2015: Relentless violence in Unity State, South Sudan
South Sudan

The book that travelled too much

A poignant story about a heroic MSF local staffer, Jeremiah, who went to great lengths to ensure continuity of care for his HIV patients in South Sudan who had been displaced by war. “The patients think they are the happiest people. But I’m even happier than they are, because now I can see them and I can see that they are OK. They are getting healthy and their lives can continue. I am very happy for them, very happy,” says Jeremiah. Project Update - 11 May 2016
HIV in DRC, Philomene and Elise

HIV in children is a symptom of the failures of the AIDS response

“The upcoming UN high level meeting on HIV/AIDS is a unique, and perhaps the last, opportunity to close the treatment gap, not only for children but also for all people living with HIV. Governments of countries left behind the HIV/AIDS response, particularly in West and Central Africa, should seize this chance to ask loud and clear an increased commitment from the international community to intensify the HIV response for people facing a deadly treatment gap”, says Dr Mit Philips, MSF’s health policy advisor. Report - 10 May 2016
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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